PJ “shuffled” with Europol document found on Rui Pinto’s album


The Judicial Police (PJ) found, in one of the discs that Rui Pinto knew, a document that, somehow, would have been lost from a communication channel “with very high levels of security” of Europol.

The finding left the inspectors “a little confused,” admitted this Thursday in court José Amador, of the PJ, and is a witness in the trial of the self-proclaimed hacker who denounced him.

What is at stake is the fact that the document – scheduling a meeting in 2016 between the Judicial Power and their Spanish and Hungarian counterparts to discuss what the Rui Pinto process would look like – was, according to the inspector, consulted “with little difference time “of its submission to Europol.

Amador specified that, after this discovery, in 2019 the systems of that organism and the PJ were analyzed and no attack was detected in any of them. However, he admitted that the document could be known to other foreign policemen and “even to law firms.”

According to the inspector, the communication would include a lot of documentation that the Vieira de Almeida law firm had lost. In 2015, the firm had represented Doyen Sports and its managing director, Nélio Lucas, after improper access and an attempted extortion of the investment fund.

These last acts are among those for which Rui Pinto, supposed creator of Football Leaks, is, since September 4, 2020, on trial in Lisbon.

The alleged attack on Vieira de Almeida is being investigated in another process, as well as other events that were not possible, given the deadline for the deduction of the charge, to include in the current investigation.

Amador’s investigation, now in its fourth day, continues this Thursday afternoon.
