SIC News | Bolsonaro’s speech at the UN was “delusional” and disconcerting


The speech of the president of Brazil delivered on Tuesday at the opening of the 75th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) was considered “delusional” and disconcerting by environmental protection organizations.

“Jair Bolsonaro did not escape the ‘script’ [roteiro] In the inaugural speech of the United Nations General Assembly “and in a speech” calculatedly delusional, the president once again exposed the country in a shameful way and confirmed the concerns of international investors who think about leaving Brazil, “he said in release the Observatório do Clima, a coalition of organizations created to discuss climate change in Brazil in 2001.

The organization added that “by simultaneously denying the environmental crisis and the pandemic, the president sets the soundtrack to divest and cancel trade deals at the critical moment of the post-covid economic recovery.”

The Brazilian president affirmed today at the opening of the debates of the UN General Assembly that his Government is the victim of a “brutal disinformation campaign in the Amazon.

“Agribusiness [do Brasil] it remains strong and, above all, in having and respecting the best environmental legislation on the planet. Still, we are victims of one of the most brutal disinformation campaigns in the Amazon and the Pantanal, ”said Bolsonaro.

Regarding the criticisms of Bolsonaro, who in the past described non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that fight in defense of the preservation of the Amazon as “cancer”, the Climate Observatory observed that Bolsonaro “accused of a non-existent collusion between NGOs and foreign powers against the country, but, by denying reality and not presenting any plan for the problems ”.

Maintaining the line of questioning the statements of the Brazilian leader, Gabriela Yamaguchi, director of the Committed Society of WWF-Brazil, considered that Bolsonaro delivered “a speech full of unfounded accusations and lessons without scientific basis that does not fit the role of a head of state “.

“Declare that the fires are started by” Indians and caboclos “[povos tradicionais descendentes de indígenas e brancos] he is bigger. As a fictional script, the speech linked United Nations keywords with descriptions of a Brazil that did not exist in 2020, in total denial of the country’s reality and ignoring the urgency and seriousness of the global challenges that the UN Secretary General, António Guterres, described it very well ”, he added.

The Greenpeace organization also assessed, in a statement, that the Brazilian government is under intense national and international pressure due to the growing number of fires and deforestation actions, and in the face of a burning country, the president’s denial speech “shames the people” . Brazilian and isolates Brazil from the world. “

The NGO recalled that the South American country has in its territory a considerable portion of the world’s largest tropical forest, the Amazon, in addition to the world’s largest inland alluvial plain, the Pantanal, but it is not preserving these biomes that suffer burns. and deforestation actions in recent years.

“Since Bolsonaro took power, the country is becoming a world leader in deforestation. According to data from Global Forest Watch, Brazil was the country that most destroyed its forests in 2019, and this year, the data shows that the situation only Los The effects of such destruction are reflected in the fires that are advancing on some of the main Brazilian biomes, such as the Pantanal, the Amazon and the Cerrado ”, highlighted Greenpeace.

The environmental organization concluded that “the world is watching, horrified”, the way in which the Brazilian government treats forests from the systematic dismantling of public and political structures that promote environmental protection.

The president of Brazil inaugurated today, as is traditional, the interventions of the leaders in the UN General Assembly. This year, the multilateral organization turns 75 and today the meeting began, which has as covid-19 pandemic as a background, it prevented the presence of all participants, taking it to the videoconference format.
