″ They went to meet the Dragon team and were attacked by the police with rubber bullets ″




Francisco J. Marques, communication director of FC Porto, was this Thursday in Porto Canal

Cases with Godinho and Hugo Miguel: “The expulsion because Luís Godinho retires and hits Danilo. The expulsion, with Hugo Miguel, from Brahimi, because he said imperceptible words in French. And now, with Luis Godinho and Hugo Miguel, the expulsion of Luis Díaz for shooting on target. Here. It is a pattern. They are cartoons, almost like memes, Danilo’s went around the world. What makes you make these kinds of mistakes against FC Porto? There is not a single case like this except in the matches with FC Porto. This has to concern those in charge of the referees. What if Luis Díaz had scored a goal? Would not be? The player said it was his obligation under that circumstance. That’s what the game is for. “

Anti-FC Porto: “These movements show that there is something in the spirit of the anti-FC Porto referees and this is what makes these things happen. This is what causes a player to be kicked and not penalized. There are many cases, but these are the more flagrant, aberrant situations that lead to surprising, strange, profound and wrong decisions. Curiously, we are talking about Luís Godinho and Hugo Miguel “.

Police violence: “Four to five dozen young fans came to greet the team upon their return to the Dragon. They were attacked by the police with rubber bullets, gunshots. Eight cars with ten policemen each and all running away. It is completely unnecessary and again, It only happens when they are FC Porto fans. Relax. We all know that we are locked up, but the courtesy of everyone is what is expected, also of the police authorities. “
