Pool, beach, plane? UNC infectious disease expert discusses ways to stay safe :: WRAL.com

More than five months have passed since the coronavirus pandemic began. Dr. Emily Sickbert-Bennett, an infectious disease expert at UNC, says in March that everything was off. It was on again, and then off. Now things have started to reopen again. Sickbert-Bennett shares what places and activities can be considered safe, especially during the warmer summer months.

Is it safer outdoors than indoors?

The risk of COVID-19 transmission is not a simple yes or no, but a continuum. Areas with more air and open space can be helpful in reducing disease transmission. But, physical distancing is much more achievable in an outdoor setting that can help delay virus transmission. Other ways to help stop the spread of the virus include wearing a mask, washing your hands, and staying home if you feel sick.

Is it safe to fly on a plane?

Airports and planes have different people interacting and mixing in new patterns compared to the usual group of people in their communities. People who are considering traveling should be aware or not whether traveling is essential. Airspace, the closeness of other people nearby, whether or not the masks can be used 100% of the time on the plane, and whether airlines will enforce the masks should be considered when deciding to travel by plane.

Is it safe to have family gatherings?

The more people you have, the greater the risk of contracting coronavirus. The signs and symptoms of coronavirus are diverse. Research now shows that people infected with the virus may have milder symptoms than cough or fever. It is important to be honest and open at family gatherings and tell the family that you are involved if you are not feeling well. If you are not feeling well, this is not the time to go to meetings, to the supermarket or to work.

Is it safe to go to the beaches?

There is room on most of North Carolina’s beaches to maintain social distance, so that’s the best type of environment to get outdoors. People who go to the beach should be 6 feet away from others. If you are visiting the beach, be careful to go indoors where people cannot wear masks.

Is it safe to go to the pools?

Being outdoors helps make it safer. Chairs should be kept away from others. If you are going to buy snacks, you should wear a mask. The coronavirus is not known to be transmitted by water. You want to keep a safe distance from other families while in the pool, but there are ways to go to a pool safely.

Are activities like going to the gym and shopping safe?

People are encouraged to think about what common activities are most necessary and most important to add slowly. When doing these activities, be sure to wear a mask, wash your hands, and maintain social distance. When you go indoors, you need to make sure you go to places where other people wear masks. You should also make sure that you are wearing a mask correctly. The nose and mouth should be completely covered.
