Poll: Biden leads Trump by 6 points in Florida

Former vice president Joe BidenJoe Biden Pelosi says Trump’s decision to reverse the fair housing rule is a “betrayal of our nation’s founding values.” Trump says he would consider pardons for those involved in Mueller’s investigation Trade negotiations should not shorten internal debate PLUS has expanded its advantage over President TrumpDonald John Trump Pelosi says Trump’s decision to reverse the fair housing rule is a “betrayal of our nation’s founding values.” Trump says he would consider pardons for those involved in the Mueller investigation. Fauci says he and his family have experienced “serious threats” during the pandemic. MORE In Florida, according to a poll released Thursday, the latest sign that the president is facing an increasingly difficult battle in his adopted home state.

The poll, conducted by St. Pete Polls for the Florida Politics and AARP Florida website, shows Biden getting 50 percent of the vote in the Sunshine State, while Trump lags behind with 44 percent. That’s a notable improvement for Biden over the latest St. Pete Polls poll of the Florida presidential race in late May, which showed the two candidates in a statistical tie.

Since then, however, Florida has become a new epicenter for the coronavirus pandemic as COVID-19 cases in the state have increased, with many blaming the government. Ron DeSantisRonald Dion DeSantis California, Florida Report Record Number of Daily Deaths DeSantis Approval of Coronavirus Subsidence Management: Survey Poll: Biden leads Trump by 6 points in Florida MORE (R), a staunch ally of Trump, for reopening the state too quickly after an initial blockade.

Since May, Biden has garnered significant support from Florida independents, according to the survey. He now has the support of 53 percent of independents in the state compared to 39 percent who back Trump. In May, Biden led Trump among independents from 47 to 44 percent.

Biden also performs slightly better among Democratic voters than Trump among Republican voters. Eighty-one percent of Democrats surveyed said they will support their party’s alleged nominee in November, while 15 percent would choose Trump. Among Republicans, 78 percent said they are committed to Trump, while nearly 18 percent support Biden.

Taken together, the poll findings could spell trouble for Trump in the nation’s largest swing state and one his campaign deems crucial for his re-election in November. He narrowly won the state in 2016, and a loss there this year could deliver a potentially fatal blow to his quest for the 270 electoral votes he needs to win a second term.

Trump, who became an official Florida resident last year, has spent more campaign money on advertising in Florida than in any other state. the staggering $ 40 million, according to an analysis of advertising data by The Hill. Republican groups have spent another $ 16.1 million on advertising in the state.

The St. Pete Polls poll shows that Trump and Biden largely run the parts of the state that candidates from their respective parties often trust. Trump, for example, has a broad lead in the Pensacola and Panama City media markets in the Florida Panhandle, while Biden is ahead in the Miami and West Palm Beach media markets.

But Biden also leads among voters in the Orlando and Tampa media markets along the I-4 state corridor, perhaps the most crucial electoral battleground in Florida. The former vice president also leads the Fort Myers media market in southwest Florida, a part of the state typically run by Republicans.

The St. Pete Polls poll is based on responses from 3,018 Florida voters and was conducted July 13-14. It has a margin of error of 1.8 percentage points.
