Coronavirus Dr. Bartosz Fiałek is summoned to testify


Fiałek reported on the call on Facebook. “In Poland, people who popularize medical knowledge related to COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccines, etc., are waiting … calls to the District Professional Responsibility Officers,” he wrote.

Which is the reason? As Fiałek himself writes, the matter concerns his words about the AstraZeneca vaccine. – About 70 percent of people after vaccination will have POP, that is, the desired post-vaccination reaction. It is a symptom that can be perceived as negative, after all, it is not pleasant, but it is actually positive, because it shows that the immune system works correctly after the introduction of the vaccine – he said in an interview with Interia.

“Based on global knowledge, I indicated that these post-vaccination effects are not only common, but can be considered good, and in the context of promoting pro-health attitudes, using the so-called licentia poetica, I created the term POP – »Positive / desirable post-vaccination symptoms« Which became the basis for the complaints and the call to testify “- wrote the doctor on Facebook, recalling the words that were said in an interview with the portal.

He also stated that he did not intend to comment further on the case itself and the behavior of those who complained about it. He assured that after Christmas he would testify before the spokesman.

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