Pokemon Home gets huge upgrade

pokemon home
(Photo: Nintendo)

De Pokemon Home app has received a major update, with several changes intended to make the process of finding Pokemon easier to handle and collect. Earlier today, the Pokemon Company began its rollout of a new version of Pokemon Home, the cloud-based storage and trading app. The new update provides a ton of additional liveability options, meant to make the app an easier experience. The most notable change is improved search result filters for the GTS system, including an enhanced filter to remove trading lists that include Legendary, Mythical, and other special Pokemon. Players can now place multiple Pokemon in the Wonder Box at the same time. Other enhancements include the ability to see Pokemon Natures in Battle Data, new information features, and new Challenge completion messages to show players what they really achieved.

Pokemon Home was launched late last year as a cloud-based service to allow players to remotely store their Pokemon. Unlike the Pokemon Bank app for the Nintendo 3DS, players can access the app via their mobile device and can even set up transactions on their phones. Players can even join Wonder Trades and Room Trades to grab random Pokemon via the app.

These new changes indicate that the Pokemon Company is indeed committed to making the app a semi-permanent home for a player’s Pokemon collection. The purpose of the app is to prevent players from having to massively transfer their Pokemon from one generation of games to keep their collection accessible. Finally, the app will also have cross-compatibility with Pokemon Go, although once a Pokemon enters Pokemon Home, it cannot be put back into the game.

Pokemon Home is free to download in the Nintendo eShop, and the Google Play and Apple App stores.

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