Pew question finds Biden with 8-point lead over Trump

Former Vice President Joe BidenJoe BidenHarris Hosting Virtual Hollywood Campaign Event co-chair of Reese Witherspoon, Mindy Kaling Trump has plans to accept Republican nomination from the White House lawn. US seizes four ships loaded with Iranian fuel holds a lead of 8 points President TrumpDonald John TrumpUSPS warns Pennsylvania post-in polls may not be delivered on time to count. Michael Cohen book accuses Trump of corruption, fraud Trump demands post-vote for Florida Congress primary MORE in a new nationwide survey from the Pew Research Center.

The interview, released Thursday, shows Bid leading Trump among registered voters 53 percent to 45 percent.

The poll found an almost identical percentage of people who said they would definitely vote for Trump or Biden in November.

Among Biden supporters, 84 percent said they would certainly support him in the fall, while 85 percent of Trump voters said they would get him for sure.

Yet the Pew poll has echoed findings from other recent polls that have shown Trump with more enthusiastic support beneath his base than Biden beneath his.

Fifty-six percent of Trump supporters in the Pew poll said they “strongly support” him, while 46 percent of Biden voters said the same of the presumptive Democratic nominee.

Half of the voters in the poll also said they think it will be very or somewhat easy to vote in the upcoming elections, while 49 percent expect to have difficulty giving a vote.

That’s a significant increase in concerns about the difficulty of voting this year amid the coronavirus pandemic, as more officials stress the need for mail-in voting.

In 2018, 85 percent of respondents said it would be easy for them to vote.

Among Trump supporters, 80 percent said they would prefer to vote in person. In contrast, 58 percent of Biden supporters said they would prefer to vote by mail.

The Pew survey collected responses from 11,001 people between July 27 and August 2. And reported an error margin of 1.5 percentage points.

The survey was conducted before Biden’s selection of Sen. this week. Kamala HarrisKamala HarrisHarris hosts virtual Hollywood campaign event co-chaired by Reese Witherspoon, Mindy Kaling Democrats hammer Trump for entertaining false birther theory about Harris Hillicon Valley: owner ‘Fortnite’ prosecutes Apple after game was removed from App Store | Federal agencies seize, remove cryptocurrency campaigns from major terrorist organizations MORE (D-Calif.) As his running mate, a move that preceded a massive fundraiser for his campaign.
