People splashed Clorox wipes back at Costco

It’s no secret that Clorox wipes have been a hot commodity since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the US in March. People have the cleaning supplies in stock, and shortages have been happening ever since. In fact, the CEO of Clorox confirmed earlier this month that cloths will not be reloaded until next year. Despite all of this, packages of Clorox wipes are being tracked down at Costco stores, and there are a few ways to ensure you get them before they sell out again.

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Pallets of Clorox wipes were found by @Costcohotfinds at their local wholesale club. The wipes come in packages containing five containers with wipes, which is equivalent to 425 individual wipes. The photo @Costcohotfinds almost posted on her Instagram, and customers and fans share her tips on how to get the wipes when they are in stock.

First, you can always call ahead with your Costco before they open at 10am. to see if they have wipes on stock. If they do, you need to make sure you get to the store right away because it opens before large crowds start running. Other commenters said that if you happen to see a truck with items with cleaning items that come loose at the time you shop, you can sometimes see the items on the sales floor the same days.

“Make sure they have a truck backed up in the loose box outside the store! And then go back to the store to see if they unload. Sometimes they scan something in the store inventory while you shop! “I congratulated you that way,” they said.

Packs Clorox wipes still have a limit of one per customer, but @Costcohotfinds got the inside of the scoop, and apparently all Costco stores get delivery, so you might see some wipes at your location sooner than you think.

“I have been told that all Costcos will be shipped, but that they will not know in advance until the truck arrives,” she wrote.

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