Pence speeds up anti-abortion voters in battlefield states

During a visit to North Carolina this week, he lashed out at Democratic nominee B Biden over abortion and reminded President Donald Trump of the record-breaking appointments of judges.

Next week, Pence will travel to Pennsylvania where he will meet with “life supporters” and participate in what his office fee calls a “fireside chat highlighting President Trump’s record as the best president ever.”

His efforts come as the latest polls show a tight race for the presidency in both states, which Trump carefully conducted in 2016. Abortion can be an important issue in tight swing states. According to a Gallup poll conducted in May, one in four respondents said they would only vote for a candidate who has the same vote on the issue, which Gallup noted is higher than in other years.
Pence’s message Thursday in North Carolina, which opposes abortion rights, first in a church and then in pregnancy and sexual health centers, was consistent: Trump is a credible choice for those who oppose abortion.

Pence said life is winning in America today, sharing her experiences about why women visited the center while participating in a roundup and the decisions they made with their pregnancies. He thanked Trump for defending the anti-abortion movement, as well as young Americans who said he was leading it.

Responding to the Republican National Convention’s claim, Pence said, “Biden supports abortions funded by all taxpayers until birth.”

Biden Hyde backs the repeal of the amendment, which currently prohibits access to federally funded abortions except in cases where rape, adultery or maternal life are endangered – a dramatic shift he made last year with his long-standing support for the provision.

A Biden campaign official said Biden supports Rowe v. Wade – Standard Court’s 1973 Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion across the country, as amended by Planned Parenthood v. Casey. In that 1992 Supreme Court case, the “unreasonable burden” standard was introduced by the state government to determine whether a “major obstacle” was imposed in the way of a woman seeking an abortion before the fetus could recover.

“By repeating the wrong and crooked attitude about abortion, Mike Pence is once again spreading false information in an attempt to denigrate the right to choose,” Biden campaign spokeswoman Rosemary Boglin told CNN in a statement. “He is absolutely irresponsible, not a complete opponent of this medical procedure and should be ashamed of himself.”

During her first stop at the Gateway Women’s Care Pregnancy and Sexual Health Center on Thursday, she met with dozens of protesters, many wearing masks and signaling with slogans including “Trump = tyranny, Pence = puppet,” “I’m a pro,” “I am not a female uterus,” and “I keep abortion safe and legal.”

Pence’s appearance at the clinic and church Marjorie Dennefelser, Susan B., president of the anti-abortion group. President of Anthony List and National Co-Chair of the Trump Alliance, Trump was part of the book tour for the Coalition. Pence, who wrote the introduction to his new book, attended another such event with Dennenfelzer in Tampa last month, and is due to appear elsewhere in Pennsylvania next week.
On Thursday, the group unveiled a six-figure ad to run before Pence’s visit to Pennsylvania, and last month announced the purchase of a North Carolina ad as part of the group’s Super PAC, Women’s Speak Out PAC, a million 52 million 2020 budget for the battlefield. States.
In a recent poll by Monmouth University, Biden accounted for 47% of Trump’s registered voters in North Carolina, up from 45%. And in Pennsylvania, Biden was Trump’s 45% to% at% – as a result, there was no clear leader in either state due to the 9.9 percent time gap in sample error voting.
Pence appeared after GOP Sen in a North Carolina church. The same Monmouth poll in Tar Hill State did not find a clear leader for the Senate, with Democratic challenger Cal Cunningham 46% and Tillis 45%.
Pence made a clear appeal to the Republican base, citing the president’s appointment of more than 200 judges. After the recent Supreme Court decision to ban Louisiana abortions, Pence said, “I think the people in this movement can only come to one conclusion – we need more money on the Supreme Court of the United States, we need four more years of President Donald Trump.” Should. “

Abortion rights groups have condemned Pence’s visit to a North Carolina clinic.

“You need to know about the Trump / Pence administration’s priorities when the vice president comes to our state, not to confront the Covid-1p epidemic or systemic racism, but … to spread more lies about abortion and reproductive health care,” he said. , Said Sarah Ridley, a spokeswoman for Parenthood Votes held in North Carolina, in a statement.

Neral Pro-Choice U.S. President Elise Hogg accused Pence and Tillis of “sending a simple message to the nation’s North Carolinas and Americans: that their extremist ideology takes precedence over science, medical expertise and public health and safety.”

CNN’s Betsy Klein, Daniel Diaz and Sarah Mucha contributed to this report.
