Pence field bus involved in minor accident in PA

A field bus carrying Vice President Pence was involved in a minor accident Thursday during a tour of Pennsylvania.

An official called him a “minor defense doubler,” and Pence was transferred to the vice-presidential limo to continue the planned campaign trip.

The accident occurred at a hairpin bend along a narrow stretch of road in Allegheny County, and a journalist traveling with Pence reported seeing a garbage truck with a scraped fender.

Shortly after the caravan started moving again, two motorcycle police officers involved in the escort fell. Pence went out to see the officers, who were up and being examined when the caravan resumed its journey a few minutes later.

Pence is in Pennsylvania on Thursday, where he will deliver remarks at a “Cops for Trump” event in Greensburg to highlight support for the president among law enforcement. The vice president will deliver an economic speech in Somerset later in the day at a chemical company before returning to Washington, DC

The key state has been a focus area for the Trump campaign, with both President TrumpDonald John Trump Governor Approval Rates Drop As COVID-19 Cases Rise Gohmert Says He Will Take Hydroxychloroquine As Treatment For Virginia Governor COVID-19, Senators Seek CDC Help With Coronavirus Outbreak In Center immigration detention MORE and Pence making multiple trips there in the past few months. Trump led the state by approximately 45,000 votes in 2016, but has always followed the alleged Democratic candidate Joe BidenJoe Biden The timeline for the Republican Party’s Obama investigation report slips as the president pays attention to Hillicon Valley subpoenas: House panel quizzes tech CEOs during long-awaited antikopoly hearing TikTok to make public the code as it rejects ‘disinformation’ | Intel House panel expands access to evidence of foreign disinformation Editorial board of Texas’ leading newspaper warns Trump is losing support due to pandemic MORE in the polls there.

Pence has had travel problems in the past. His plane went off the runway at Laguardia Airport in New York City during the 2016 campaign. The Vice President and others on board were not injured.
