Pelosi: ‘People will die’ as coronavirus stimulus talks dragged to end of September

“I hope not. People will die,” she said.

The House of Representatives is currently scheduled for the next return vote in mid-September, though Democratic leaders have told members that the House could return before then if they can reach an agreement with the White House for an incentive package before then. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said he would give lawmakers 24 hours’ notice to travel to Washington after voting.

House Speaker Mitch McConnell blamed Democrats for the stagnant talks.

“Democrats seem to be doing ridiculous things,” the Kentucky Republican said Wednesday.

Pelosi indicated negotiators remain far apart in the talks.

“We have a big difference in our values,” she said during an interview with MSNBC.

Senate Leader Mitch McConnell has blamed Democrats for the delay.

“Democrats seem to be doing ridiculous things,” the Kentucky Republican said Wednesday.

House Democrat newcomers in tough races grew anger over failure of incentive talks
Pelosi reiterated her offer to Republicans to increase their $ 1 trillion price tag, with Democrats rewarding them with the same amount. Democrats have previously passed a package of more than $ 3 trillion. Republicans have said a $ 2 billion trillion would be too steep, with Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin arguing that state and local governments do not need as much money as Democrats suggest.

Pelosi slammed Republicans for the disaster, saying they were “disorganized, in disarray and do not believe in government or science.”

“Let’s meet in the middle, we’ve all said that,” Pelosi said. “But until they are ready to do that, it is no use sitting in a room and telling them that states should go bankrupt.”

Free workers set up soup kitchens for senators opposed to expanding $ 600 checks
President Donald Trump went around Congress and signed four actions over the weekend to provide some incentive measures, including a payday tax for some Americans and press federal unemployment benefits back after $ 600 in weekly federal unemployment insurance benefits ran out last month.

Pelosi on Wednesday projected confidence Republicans will return to negotiations.

“As a practical matter, they will have to come to the table,” she said.

CNN’s Manu Raju contributed to this report.
