Pelosi and Meadows to discuss coronavirus help weeks after stimulus talks broke out

The two have not spoken since talks were imploded weeks ago and negotiators ran away without a deal meant to bolster the economy and help struggling Americans pay their bills amid the pandemic.

There is little optimism on both sides of Pennsylvania Avenue that there will be progress on stimulus talks before lawmakers return to Washington in September, as the two sides remain far apart, even on the overall scale of a package, let alone the granular policy details of one.

But the fact that Pelosi and Meadows will talk – after partisan guilt and the last several weeks passed by the press talking to each other – represents the first tangible step towards restarting negotiations since they broke out.

Democrats have pushed for a $ 2 trillion topline that includes nearly $ 1 trillion in support for state and local governments. The White House has firmly opposed that topline price tag and has refused substantial new aid to states and locations.

Pelosi is under pressure from rank-and-file members to resume negotiations with the White House. Nearly half of House Democrats signed a letter last week urging them to pass a bill for unemployment insurance.

On CNN’s ‘State of the Union’ Sunday, Pelosi insisted that her caucus stood together in her approach to negotiating another round of coronavirus relief legislation with the Trump administration.

Meadows on Wednesday told Politico he was “not optimistic” a deal would be reached until after September, and predicted that Pelosi would run the clock until the deadline of the fiscal year in late September to get Democratic priorities in a funding measure.

Pelosi has been opposed to the idea of ​​rolling out aid to a funding measure, arguing that an agreement is needed now.

Democrats have also rejected a piecemeal approach, making it clear that they will not agree with anything that does not address their full view of current needs.

But on Saturday, House lawmakers returned early from the August recession and voted largely in party lines to allocate $ 25 billion to the U.S. Postal Service, a bill that the White House has threatened to veto.
The vote prompted Meadows tweet at Democrats, arguing, “If you really want to help Americans, what about easing relief for small businesses and helping unemployment ALONG with post-financing?”
