Pelosi: All Trump wanted in coronavirus relief talks to ‘send a check with his name’

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday reprimanded President Trump for calling the Covid-19 relief talks, then offered to approve a single bill on stimulus checks.

The Democrat from California told ABC’s “The View,” “It’s interesting that he said he would send that probe if we sent him the bill.” “”

He added: “Forget about the virus, forget about our heroes, forget about our children and their need to go to safe school.”

Trump abruptly postponed coronavirus relief talks on Tuesday so the Senate could work to confirm Judge Amy Connie Barrett at an open Supreme Court meeting of the Supreme Court.

The president accused Pelosi of pushing for a $ 2.4 trillion package of “poor performance, high crime, Democrat states.” Will act as collateral. He said the Republicans gener fur the 1.6 trillion offer, which he denied. The House Democrats passed a week 2.2 trillion package last week, which is unlikely to be made by the Republican-led Senate.

Five LOSI sites received recent pressure for help with colonovirus

Hours of change, after tanks hit the stock market, Trump pushed for a single bill to allow a ચેક 1,200 stimulus check and tell Pelosi to “walk fast.”

Trump has called on Congress to pass immediate relief measures for the ailing airline industry and replenish the Paycheck Protection program using Unexpected Care Act funds.

Pelosi has been adamant on passing a comprehensive relief package.

Trump is increasingly urging Congress to spend hours on coronavirus AIDS.

“It’s hard to see any clear sensible way on what he’s doing, but the fact is that he’s seen the political negativity of his statement to walk away from negotiations,” he said. He is back from the terrible mistake he made yesterday, and Republicans in Congress are going down the drain on him. “

Pelosi and Treasury Secretary Steven Munuchin spoke on the phone Wednesday morning to discuss a second bailout for the airlines industry. Last week, U.S. The airlines began cutting 35,000 jobs earlier this year following the expiration of a સમા 25 billion bailout fund as part of the Care Act. Under the terms of the agreement, the airlines were barred from cutting jobs or reducing workers’ salaries until September 30.

“Secretary inquires about standalone airlines bill,” Pelosi spokesman Drew Hamill said. Tweeted Speaker’s meeting with Munuchin. “The speaker reminded them that Republicans are blocking that bill on Friday and asking them to review the Defazio bill so they can have an informed conversation.”

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Last week, Peter Defazio, chairman of the Republican House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, blocked Democrats’ attempt to pass a single plane bill introduced unanimously by D-Orr.

A GOP aide to the House told Hill that Republicans were still waiting for details on the bill, and that RIPs, Stacey Plasket, DVI, and David Joyce, R-Ohio, presented a separate bill. .

“This is an incompetent and opaque process,” the assistant said. “Once again, Democrats are using partisan oppression instead of bipartisan solutions.”