Aldi and Target have issued calls for peppers containing sugars linked to an outbreak of salmonella. So far, the outbreak has made 68 people sick across nine states.
The FDA has returned a redistribution for Wawona brand pawkes that were sold at Aldi over fears that they contain salmonella. They were packed in two-pound, clear plastic bags and were sold from June 1, 2020 until now. These peaches were sold in Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, Virginia, Wisconsin, and West Virginia.
Of the 68 cases of diseases linked to peaches, 14 have been hospitalized, according to the study after outbreak. No deaths were reported. If you have any of the peaches mentioned in the recall, you should remove them immediately and disinfect any surfaces that touch them. If you have any doubts about where your peaches came from or who delivered them, officials advise that you return them to their place of purchase or disposal.
The FDA reminder does not specifically mention Target, but the company also published a reminder notice for the peaches on its site, referring to a notice from the Minnesota Department of Health about the recall. Target recall includes both pouches peaches and loose peaches. You can find all UPC information and other identifying details about the peaches on both reclassifications.
This reminder comes on the heels of several other salmonella outbreaks and incidents in recent weeks, including a massive, nationwide recall of onions, as well as a reminder of shrimp released earlier this month.
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