Paper Mario, Ghost Of Tsushima will have a $ 10 discount on launch day

Later this week, exciting new exclusives are coming to Nintendo Switch and PS4. Paper Mario: The Origami King and Ghost of Tsushima will be released on July 17, which means it could be an expensive day for video games if you own both platforms. If you’re looking to catch one or both, Walmart once again offers a $ 10 discount at launch, so you can pick Paper Mario: The Origami King and Ghost of Tsushima for $ 49.94 each.

While these are stellar deals, Walmart only offers the discounted price for any of the games when you shop at the store. You can enter your zip code at BrickSeek to make sure your local Walmart offers the discounts. If you look on the Walmart website, you will see that both games are listed at $ 60 for online orders. Sometimes Amazon matches Walmart launch discounts, but that usually happens when Walmart also offers the discount on their site.

For those who don’t live near a Walmart store or don’t feel like going out to buy a video game, be sure to check out our Paper Mario: The Origami King and Ghost of Tsushima pre-order guides for more details. where you can order these games. For example, GameStop has an exclusive pin for Paper Mario, and the PlayStation Store has a Digital Deluxe edition of Ghost of Tsushima that comes with a ton of extra stuff.

Also, if you want to order online and get Paper Mario: The Origami King and / or Ghost of Tsushima on launch day, Best Buy or Walmart is the way to go right now. While other retailers show delivery dates that extend into next week, you can still get free release date delivery for both titles at Walmart and Best Buy.

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Playing now: Paper Mario: The Origami King – Opening Cutscene

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