Palpatine’s comeback didn’t come out of the blue: people just weren’t ‘paying attention’

The reaction against Skywalker’s rise has started. In other words, some Star Wars Fans have begun mounting a defense for the film and rehabilitating its reputation as a disappointment that failed to keep the landing.

Episode IX from the Skywalker saga made a lot of money, like most Star Wars movies do, and didn’t get the fanatic grade Vitriol released in 2017 The Last Jedi.

However, there has been an air of disappointment about it, a feeling that it wasn’t as good as it could or should have been. That said, almost all unloved movies have their advocates, and Skywalker’s They are coming to the fore, particularly regarding the resurrection of Emperor Palpatine.

How well did ‘The Rise of Skywalker’ do?

Ian McDiarmid
Ian McDiarmid | Gareth Cattermole / Getty Images for Disney

If you go by the box office numbers alone in The Numbers, Episode IX it’s literally a coming The awakening of strength it was even more successful than most people thought it would be. It made $ 937 million at its box office, and it’s still the most successful movie of all time in the US, even before the almighty Avengers Endgame.

The Last Jedi It received rave reviews but considerable contempt from fans when the film refused to confirm fan theories about Rey’s paternity and fell short of the movie that many fans had in their heads. He made $ 620 million here, which is pretty cool, to be sure, but it was enough for some fans to point and say, “Ha ha. I told you they screwed it up.

Then Skywalker’s rise It came out late last year and made $ 515 million. So, that’s another case of “Ha ha. Did he tell you they screwed it up? O is Episode IX another misunderstood movie that wasn’t due because it doesn’t mean what many fans thought it meant?

Fans advocate ‘Rise of Skywalker’

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Now that all nine Skywalker films are on Disney +, fans have taken the opportunity to catch them, and some like what they see in the final chapter of the series.

On Reddit, a fan wrote: “It works. It really works. I know a lot of people don’t like the lack of a plan, or expected different things from these movies, but in a vacuum it’s just a really solid trilogy. It also feels surprisingly consistent from film to film. Rey Palpatine’s reveal really doesn’t stand out any more than Leia is Luke’s sister.

Another fan was even more direct, writing: “Anyone who thinks Palpatine’s return was somehow unexpected has simply not been paying attention at all. The guy who designed the fall of the Republic and the destruction of the Jedi while playing both sides of the Clone Wars like a violin would never let a small drop in a reactor well stop him. ”

It’s also worth noting that this argument holds up better if people watch the animation Clone Wars or Star Wars rebels Serie. Some fans don’t, mostly sticking to the movies. There is a school of thought that will say that if a movie is only successful if viewers do their “homework,” then the movie really hasn’t been successful. Skywalker’s rise He received considerable criticism for basing his narrative on ancillary products that only the most ardent fans would see.

Were ‘The Last Jedi’ and the prequel trilogy also redeemed?

Either Skywalker’s rise The reevaluation remains to be seen, but whether a movie is Star Wars or not, opinions change all the time. The internet is full of shots that say, “A legendarily bad movie is really good.”

Has happened with Ishtar and Speed ​​runner. It can still happen with Skywalker’s rise. A fan on Reddit pointed out The Last Jedi it’s starting to look its best in hindsight, just like the prequel trilogy, two parts of the Star Wars saga that inspired considerable anger.

Give him 10 years and suddenly they will be forgiven, as fandom has done (mostly) by the Prequels. I personally like all three trilogies in different ways. Now I can tell you that when I see the Sequels, I enjoy them and always notice something new. TLJ is my favorite, but the other two have really cool Star Wars moments. “