P.S. Sony banned PS5 owners from researching the Plus collection

PS Plus Collection PS5 PlayStation 5 1

If you have a PlayStation 5 and it is active PlayStation Plus Subscription, then you can play as part of Redeem and 20 or more excellent PlayStation 4 games P.S. Plus storage. It’s a great sweetener for early-race early adopters, and once you feed it again you can really enjoy all the games on the company’s previous consoles.

Of course, this has created a lightbulb moment for some energetic players who are selling their PS5’s selling kicks to let other accounts re-release games and then enjoy on their own PS4. In Malaysia, a Next-Generation console owner charged around $ 8 to add all games to a customer’s account library.

Some early adopters have already picked up more than 50 clients, and the Japanese giant sniffed what was happening and banned them. For sellers, it is a permanent ban, while buyers of PS Plus Collection games have also received a two-month ban. We think it’s not really a huge surprise; This is undoubtedly exploiting the system.
