Ozzy Osbourne’s new documentary ‘The Nine Lives of Ozzy Osbourne’ is officially released

OZZY OSBOURNE's new documentary 'The Nine Lives Of Ozzy Osbourne' is officially released

A&E Network‘s Emmy-victorious “Biography” banner will release a new special documentary celebrating one of rock’s biggest stars. With exclusive interviews and archival material, “Biography: the nine lives of Ozzy Osbourne” delves into the many lives and incredible careers of the man who has personified the rock and roll rebellion for decades. “Biography: the nine lives of Ozzy Osbourne” will premiere on Labor Day, Monday, September 7, at 9 pm ET / PT.

“Biography: the nine lives of Ozzy Osbourne” traces OzzyHis childhood life in poverty and prison time, at the forefront of the legendary Rock and roll hall of fame induced BLACK SATURDAY And successful grammy awardwinning solo career, for one of the greatest rock statesmen and a television father of the 21st century. The two-hour documentary explores how Ozzy He has continually reinvented himself and his career to propel himself toward greater success. How Ozzy When he turns 70, he reflects on the intimate details of his successes, failures, and unique ability to survive and persevere, including never-before-seen interviews about his recent Parkinson’s diagnosis. The documentary, a selection from 2020 SXSW Film Festival, also presents interviews with Sharon, Kelly and Jack Osbourne as well as friends and fellow musicians, including Rick Rubin, Ice T, Marilyn Manson, Rob Zombie, Jonathan Davis, Post Malone and more.

“Biography: the nine lives of Ozzy Osbourne” is produced by Osbourne Media and Critical content for A&E Network. The documentary is produced and directed by R. Greg Johnston. Executive producers for Osbourne Media They are Sharon Osbourne, Ozzy Osbourne, Jack Osbourne and Peter Glowski. Executive producer for Critical content it is Jenny Daly. LB Horschler He is an executive co-producer. Executive producers for A&E Network They are Elaine Frontain Bryant and Brad Abramson. A + E Networks owns worldwide distribution rights to “Biography: the nine lives of Ozzy Osbourne”.

Earlier this month, Jack saying “The conversation” about “Biography: the nine lives of Ozzy Osbourne”: “When you make a document like this, it’s a totally collaborative effort, and I had made a documentary about my father about 10 years ago. When A&E they came up to us and said, ‘We want to do a A&E biography in Ozzy, ‘and everyone was on board. And the kind of stipulation for us was, we don’t want to do the same A&E biography that people have seen: this type of plug-and-play type biographical piece. Our director Greg Johnston, with whom has the family worked since ‘The Osbournes’ – He was one of the executive producers of that in 2001; He knows the family better than anyone. And he came on board, and we basically said, ‘Okay, take off your gloves and let’s be really honest.’ And we gave him all the images we have of the 50 years of my father’s career. Creatively, it was a lot GregThe vision of him, and I think he got it out of the park. Even mom[[[[Sharon]which has been Dad’s lifelong type of supervision, I remember when we did the first evaluation, [she] Really [was]like, ‘Okay, that’s okay.’ “

The celebrated “Biography” The brand continues to highlight newsworthy personalities and events with compelling and surprising insights, and continues to be the defining source of true stories from some of the most successful fiction storytellers of our time. Extensive branded and on-air digital content, including short form, will be rolled out across all platforms, including Biography.com, home to hundreds of profiles of notable cultural and influential figures.

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