Reg Reagan Mailbag will be a weekly feature on Tuesdays during the football .l season.
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Penny H .: Which bowl game for ducks?
The Pack-12 champions have received bids for six New Year’s bowls, most likely the Fiesta Bowl. Damage and things get complicated in a hurry. Colorado and Washington would be the right options for the Alamo Bowl in that case. The Armed Forces Bowl is against any SEC opponent, and if reg Reagan is available I think the councils would choose that to happen. The Freedom Bowl is going to be brutally difficult to sell for any Pack-12 team this season. There is also the option of a non-bowl game on campus, but let’s get through first Friday.
Kir K .: How does the duck feel about supporting the conference championship?
We have yet to speak with the players, but I am sure they are excited to have the opportunity to compete for the championship regardless of the circumstances. The way the season played was not ideal for anyone in Pack-12. The winner of either division faced the team in second place. Colorado has every right to be angry about how things went last week. There was little compromise on the field, and it is unsatisfactory to everyone. But these are the final results, and I don’t apologize for both teams playing in Friday’s game.