Order new fire evacuations in Pescadero and La Honda

Firefighters ordered new evacuations of Pescadero, La Honda and surrounding areas Thursday night as wildfires from the CZU Lightning Complex continue to burn throughout San Mateo and Santa Cruz counties.

The evacuation call, which arrived at 6 a.m., now includes:

Pescadero Beach Area (Zone SMC E073)

Pescadero Creek County Park Area (Zone SMC E075)

Bean Hollow Area (Zone SMC E042)

Pescadero area (Zone SMC E043)

San Gregorio area (Zone SMC E022)

La Honda Area (Zone SMC E028)

Red Barn Area (Zone E010)

Russian Ridge Open Space Area (Zone SMC E027)

Skylonda area (Zone SMC E012)

Langley Hill Area (Zone SMC E010)

Evacuators can go to an evacuation center at Half Moon Bay High School to the north.

CalFire Deputy Chief Jonathan Cox said around 6 p.m. that the northern edge of the fire was currently in the Loma Mar community. The Dearborn Park neighborhood, he said, was “directly affected as we speak.”

On Thursday afternoon, the sky above the historic Pescadero in the center was blue and there was hardly a hint of smoke in the sky, but a cloud of brown smoke fell over the hills from the south and firefighters warned that the blazes were rapidly moving and were unpredictable.

Lance Storm, owner of Marie’s Farm off Pescadero Creek Road east of downtown, has moved cars and other belongings from his property to safety along the coast over the past few days.

“Other than the mushroom cloud coming over the hill, we are fine at the moment,” Storm said, standing next to an old delivery bus he had driven to Pescadero State Beach on Highway 1 on Thursday afternoon.

But he knows the property could end in a loss.

When Campfire raged through Paradise a few years ago, Storm said, he heard about people who had packed cars full but could not get out because it was too late. He does not want, he said, to be in the same situation.

Current information on evacuation is available here.

Maps for other fires in Northern California:

Staff Writer Maggie Angst carried report.
