Opposition to Biden’s tax plan doubled by 50 per cent: ‘I don’t want to be 20 per cent’

Just a day after encouraging followers to “vote for Trump” in light of Biden’s proposed tax policy, his plan is expanding by 50 percent on dislike.

On Monday, the 45-year-old hip-hop star shared a photo showing a news broadcast on Instagram stating that under Biden’s policy, New York would be taxed at 58% and New York City at 62%.

“White the F —! (Fortrump) What I’m Out for,” he wrote in a statement. “F — New York, Kikinix can never win anyway. I don’t care that Trump doesn’t like black people 62% you’re far from Ye F — Mind.”

On Tuesday, 50-cent-born Curtis James Jackson III – wrote in detail about his opposition to the policy, sharing a recording of a Fox News broadcast story about his reaction to the numbers.

50 cents say ‘vote for Trump’ in light of Biden’s tax plan: ‘I’m out’

Highlighted in the clip was a tweet from Trump adviser Katrina Pearson, who wrote, “I don’t think I want to complete 50 percent to 20 percent.”

The rapper agreed in his tweet on Tuesday.

“Yeah, I don’t want to be 20 percent. 62% is a very, very bad idea. I don’t like it!” He wrote Before plugging in ABC’s “For Life” and Stars mobile app.

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After voicing his surprise on tax rates, a handful of fans commented on his post, trying to explain that higher figures would only apply to “rich people”.

Shortly afterwards, Jackson – also known as “Fiddy” – shared another image online, smiling mostly to boast about his wealth.

He wrote to me, “I just remembered that I was bankrupt, so I’m looking for a kind loan that can help a brother. LOL,” he wrote.

In addition to being a musician, businessman, actor and producer, Mogul added hashtags in reference to the two brands of liquor he has.

Jackson is among the handful of stars who have backed Trump in his bid to make the announcement.

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John White, Kirsty Alley, Kelsey Grammar and more have all endorsed the sitting president.