OnePlus has come a long way from OnePlus One was launched in April 2014. And the company’s latest creation, the mid-range OnePlus Nord has already sold three different rounds of pre-orders. In times before the pandemic (you surely remember those old days), the company would create a pop-up store to sell additional units before the official launch. Since opening a physical pop-up store is not feasible at this time, OnePlus is going to plan-B.
OnePlus Nord could come to the USA.
As he did with him OnePlus 8 /8 Pro, the company will offer an “Online Pop-up” experience for Nord. This is most likely to happen after the phone is formally introduced via an online AR event next week. The idea is to virtually recreate the physical pop-up stores and provide those interested with early access to the OnePlus Nord. We would expect a special box to be offered to those who buy OnePlus Nord in the online popup along with a box, a sketchbook, and some stickers.
Win one of the first 10 OnePlus Nord units made
The rumored specs require the OnePlus Nord to be equipped with a 6.44-inch AMOLED Fluid flat panel display with a 90Hz refresh rate. The Snapdragon 765 / G mobile platform expected to power the phone comes with a built-in 5G modem chip. There are two selfie-snappers in front; one weighs 32MP and the other is a 105 degree ultra wide angle camera. On Instagram, an animated trailer made by the manufacturer shows four cameras on the back of the device inside a module placed vertically on the back. “If you don’t like cameras,” says OnePlus, “we really were wrong.” A 4115 mAh battery will keep the lights on and paired with a 30W Warp charger.
The original OnePlus Nord model was not expected to be offered in the U.S., although the company originally said that all subsequent phones on the line will arrive in the United States. But when we were putting the finishing touches on this story, the company’s head of European Strategy said something interesting. Tuomas Lampen He told Tom’s Guide that Europe and India will be a test to see how much demand there is for the North. And if enough demand arises for the model, the Nord could end up launching in the US Considering the pre-order demand we’ve seen, we’d say the odds of the phone reaching the United States look very good.
If you live in the United States, you can watch Nord’s AR-based presentation. First, you will need to visit the App Store or Google Play Store. Be sure to wear a mask and maintain social distance while shopping. Install the appropriate OnePlus Nord AR app according to if you are using an iOS device or one that works with Android. Open the app on July 21 to see the event.
Meanwhile, a limited number of consumers received a physical invitation to view the presentation, and if you were one of them, you can start experiencing AR before July 21 by pulling out the cardboard phone inside the invitation. Scan the QR code using your phone’s native camera app or any app that will take care of this task. After scanning the code, you can see the countdown to the presentation.
If you are using the app to watch the presentation of the Nord, OnePlus suggests that you find a comfortable place to watch the broadcast and that the device you are using is fully charged. Since you’re probably watching the event from home, the manufacturer says you should check to make sure your Wi-Fi is enabled and that you have the volume turned up or the headphones on.