OnePlus has (more or less) announced its first pair of true wireless headphones. Typically, the company has told us that the product is coming, but has saved any actual information or images for a later date. July 21 will mark the full reveal of OnePlus Buds, as well as the much-hyped OnePlus Nord smartphone.
We’ve seen a few iterations of the OnePlus Bullets headphones, but it’s about time we saw a pair without wires. OnePlus keeps up with the specs, looks, and price of upcoming headsets, just saying we can expect “high-quality audio” and “an easy-to-use experience on the go.”
Previous leaks suggested OnePlus Pods might be the name, but it seems that such a blatant nod from Apple was decided against. An alleged leaked diagram perhaps points to hard tips and AirPod-style stems, though we can’t be sure until we see a live or rendered image. The most affordable OnePlus Nord and Buds will be unveiled on July 21 at 7 am PDT. To view the live stream with additional AR gadgets, download the special app.