On July 4, the Trump campaign restarts with the war against ‘cancel culture’

In this week’s White House report card, President Trump is waiting for Independence Day to revive his reelection campaign with a powerful declaration of war against the so-called “culture of cancellation” that is sweeping the nation targeting everything. , from the Founding Fathers to the Washington Redskins and the Cleveland Indians.

At Mount Rushmore, on Friday night, for example, Trump said: “Those who seek to erase our heritage want Americans to forget our pride and our great dignity, so that we can no longer understand ourselves or the destiny of States. United”. By overthrowing the heroes of 1776, they seek to dissolve the bonds of love and loyalty that we feel for our country and for others. ”

Our raters criticized the President’s week. Conservative analyst Jed Babbin rated a C-, highlighting inaction over reports that Russia offered rewards to Taliban fighters for killing US troops. Democratic pollster John Zogby, who continues a series of F ratings, said Trump has yet to explain why he wants a second term.

Jed Babbin
Grade C-

President Trump had a very busy and mixed week with good economic news tempered by a surge in COVID-19 infections, the “Russia Reward” controversy, a Supreme Court victory, and the formation of a new Super Anti-Trump PAC.

The jobs report showed that almost 5 million people had returned to work since May, which was excellent news. But the fact that COVID-19 infections are increasing dramatically caused some states (especially California and Texas) to reverse their economic reopens. The V-shaped recovery looks more U-shaped at this point.

The biggest controversy of the week started with a New York Times The story that Russia had been paying rewards to Taliban fighters for killing US troops. Trump claimed that the story was a hoax. However, although both the CIA and national security adviser Robert O’Brien denounced the leaks on which the story was based, neither denied that the story was true. Trump may have been briefed on the matter in February or received a written report that he may not have read. The only real questions are: Is the report true and, if so, what did Trump do about it? The answer is that the report is probably true, and Trump apparently did nothing about it.

A new super PAC was announced that they claim was formed by hundreds of alumni of former President George W. Bush to support Joe Biden on Trump. Whoever these people are, they will be quite vocal in the campaign, and they can greatly harm Trump.

Trump won a major battle in the Supreme Court when the court decided not to allow Congress access to grand jury material developed during the President’s investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller. The denial of access only lasts until the elections, meaning Democrats will likely have access to them next year, just in time to launch yet another impeachment on Trump if he is reelected in November.

Trump threatened to veto the National Defense Authorization Act, the massive legislation for next year’s Department of Defense functions, over a provision written by Senator Elizabeth Warren that attempts to force the name change of military bases named for generals. Confederate. In choosing that fight, Trump appears to be playing in the hands of all his opponents.

John Zogby
Grade F

Carl Bernstein wrote a damning report based on interviews with former senior Trump administration officials about a president who is a threat to national security, a bully, a shill for autocratic leaders, one who puts his own interests on the nation, a misogynist and an ignorant man of history. None of this is really new, except that it provides a composite picture at a time when President Trump’s leadership ability is out of control. It was not just about people but about former senior cabinet officials.

The president for his part did not help himself this week. He retweeted a pair of guns targeting the protesters and a follower yelling “white power,” then hid in an unreachable golf course for three hours.

Trump received a report in February about the Russians paying rewards to Taliban fighters for killing US personnel and Afghan civilians and never acted accordingly. And its approval rating is 41%, with several prominent polls showing it below 40%.

State and local health officials warn that the COVID-19 crisis is spiraling out of control, several states are releasing a record number of new cases, and public health leaders are testifying that the worst is yet to come. A new jobs report came out and shows that a record 4.8 million new jobs were created last month. Trump, of course, promoted it, but his problem for now is that few really feel it. Another record: 75% now say the United States is headed in the wrong direction.

And the president ended the week by failing to clearly answer why he wants a second term.

Jed Babbin is a Washington Examiner taxpayer and former deputy defense secretary in the administration of former President George HW Bush. Follow him on Twitter @jedbabbin

John Zogby He is the founder of Zogby Poll and senior partner at John Zogby Strategies. Here you can listen to his weekly podcast with his son and partner Jeremy Zogby. Follow him on Twitter @TheJohnZogby