Ola: London bans Uber rival for safety concerns

Ola taxisImage copyright pyrite

The Transport Authority of London (TfL), the capital’s transport authority, has banned the Indian taxi application Ola due to public safety concerns.

The cab company has been operating in London since February.

The TFL said the firm has reported a number of failures, including more than 1,000 trips made by unlicensed drivers.

Ola said he would appeal the decision and had 21 days to do so. It may act in the meantime in accordance with the rules of appeal.

The Transport Authority said Ola did not report the failures as soon as he was informed about them.

“Our investigation has found that errors in Ola’s operating operating model have resulted in the use of unlicensed drivers and vehicles in the travel of more than 1,000 passengers, which could endanger the safety of passengers,” said Helen Chapman, TFL’s director of licensing, regulation and charging.

“If they appeal, Ola can continue to operate and drivers can continue to book on Ola’s behalf. We will closely investigate the company to ensure that the safety of passengers is not compromised.”

Uber wins

The ride-hailing company began operations in Cardiff in 2018 and has since spread to other locations in the UK.

“We have been working with TFL during the review period and have sought to address issues raised in a reassuring and transparent manner,” Olana UK Managing Director Mark Rosendale said in a statement.

“Ola will take the opportunity to appeal this decision and in doing so, our riders and drivers can be assured that we will act as normal by providing safe and reliable mobility for London.”

Last week, a judge upheld his appeal against the TFL after main rival Uber secured his right to continue operating in London.

The ride-hailing giant has been granted a new license to operate in the capital, almost a year after the TFL rejected its application due to safety concerns caused by unlicensed drivers.

Westminster Magistrates’ Court heard that 24 Uber drivers shared their accounts with 20 others, leading to 14,788 unauthorized rides.