Oklahoma state’s Mike Gundy offered to reduce the payment by $ 1 million

Oklahoma State coach Mike Gundy has agreed to take a $ 1 million pay cut and amend his contract after a two-week internal overhaul of the soccer program sparked by controversial incidents, OSU sports director Mike Holder announced Friday. .

Holder also said that the duration of Gundy’s contract was reduced from five to four years, while his purchase was reduced from $ 5 million to $ 4 million, and his guarantee was reduced from 75 percent to 50.

“Mike Gundy offered the changes, and I congratulate him on that. It was his idea to take a million dollar cut in wages, ”Holder said. “I think it really shows his commitment to being a better coach. I wanted to make a statement that would reassure all players that it wasn’t just about talking, it was more about action, and that’s the first step.

“I want to emphasize that Mike Gundy offered each of them.”

The internal review was done after Cowboys running back Chuba Hubbard drew attention to a photo of Gundy wearing an OAN (One America News) shirt on social media.

Gundy, 52, later apologized for the “pain and discomfort” he caused his players and others, calling himself an “idiot.”

Former NFL player Alfred Williams also claimed that Gundy leveled a racial slur at him during a college football game between the state of Oklahoma and Colorado in 1989. Williams told The Oklahoman last month that he does not want Gundy, who He was the Oklahoma state quarterback in 1989 – getting fired but he wants to see “some growth.”

Holder said he spoke to “20” or more OSU players, but not to Williams.

“That was 31 years ago. That was resolved at the time, ”Holder said. “I think everyone has made progress since then. Mike Gundy addressed him, denied it, and moved on. I think Mike Gundy’s actions since he has been our head coach are more important than what happened 31 years ago. “

It was decided that Gundy, who has been Oklahoma State’s head coach since 2005 and part of the coaching staff since 2001, needs to “spend more time building stronger relationships with his student athletes.”

“It was not a T-shirt,” Holder said. “It was about many things. The missing link has been a more personal relationship with his head coach. They respect him as an excellent coach on game day, but they want more training on a personal level. This crosses all racial lines. For a man, our players want a better connection with Mike Gundy. They see him as a difference maker and want me to help them grow as leaders. “

Holder described Gundy as “humble, repentant, and committed to change.” He also made a point to congratulate OSU players for shedding light on the matter.

“I think it has just been confirmed and emphasized in his mind that he needs to be very cautious in what he does publicly. Wherever he goes he is a very public representative of our university, ”said Holder. “What he uses, whatever he says, is his responsibility to represent us in a way that unites and does not divide. Things will be much less controversial in the future. “
