Oklahoma officials say infected student deliberately went to class

Officials in an Oklahoma school district said a science student came to school last week on the first day of classes with COVID-19.

The Moore Public School District was made aware of the incident by an anonymous tip to administrators on Thursday, the school’s official told KFOR, a local NBC affiliate.

The student told school officials that “they were under the understanding that because they were asymptomatic, they did not have to guarantee the full 14-day period,” the outlet said.

Jones said when asked about the parents of the students, they said they were declaring the end of their children’s quarantine.

A high school student also tested positive for the virus, along with a high school coach who tested positive before school started and is still in quarantine, KFOR reported.

Jones told the outlet 22 other students came into close contact with the two students who tested positive and are now 14 days in quarantine.

The schools were reopened Monday after undergoing deep cleaning over the weekend, according to the report.

A number of states have begun reopening schools for personal learning after mass closures nationwide around March due to the coronavirus pandemic. Other schools have opted for virtual and hybrid learning options in an attempt to limit the spread of the virus.
