COLUMBUS, Ohio – Governor Mike DeWine released the latest coronavirus county warning map of Ohio on Thursday, saying that wearing masks is making a difference in urban counties across the state, as evidenced by fewer red areas. or Level 3.
However, more rural counties increased from Level 1 to Level 2, which is orange on the map.
DeWine’s explanation: Increased use of masks in urban areas and reluctance of rural Ohio residents to wear their masks. The state has required the wearing of masks across the state for a week.
He bases his assessment of mask use statewide on anecdotes and reports from local mayors.
Currently, there are 10 red counties, compared to 13 last week.
Last week, Allen County was approaching Level 4, or purple, the highest level, that no county has yet reached. DeWine said the situation there, with the largest city like Lima, has improved.
“It’s hitting fewer indicators in the past few weeks,” DeWine said. “However, cases continue to increase in Allen County, although the increase is not as rapid.”
The state considers seven factors when classifying the level and color of each county:
1. New cases per capita or 100,000 residents in a two-week period.
* 2. Increase in new cases.
* 3. Cases of non-congregated life.
* 4. Early indicator: visits to the emergency room.
* 5. Early indicator: visits to the doctor.
* 6. Hospitalizations.
* 7. Occupation in the Intensive Care Unit.
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