Ohio Reports Highest Hospitalizations Since Pandemic Started

Although hospitals are better prepared to care for coronavirus patients than at the start of the pandemic, the virus continues to affect supplies and personnel of personal protective equipment.

>> Public health to give free face masks

Coronavirus patients also often require long hospital stays and extensive care, according to the ODH.

“We must remain vigilant and take all precautions to protect ourselves, including staying home when possible, washing our hands frequently, wearing masks and social distancing,” said Himes.


About 1,400 cases of coronavirus were reported in Ohio in the past 24 hours, according to new data released by the state.

ODH reports 87,893 total coronavirus cases and 3,422 deaths attributed to the virus.

Hospitalizations increased by 128 in the past 24 hours, bringing the total during the pandemic to 10,553.

The state reported 25 additional admissions to the UCI on Wednesday totaling 2,513.

>> Coronavirus: Ohio’s updated travel advisory includes 7 states

Today, Governor Mike DeWine released an update travel notice that included seven states: Idaho, Arizona, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, South Carolina, and Kansas. Anyone traveling to Ohio from those states must be quarantined and monitor for virus symptoms for 14 days.

On Thursday, the governor is expected to announce more information about the bars. More details are not available at this time.