The United States Office Star Brian Baumgartner has revealed that there was a secret story cut out of the series finale.
While we already knew that Kevin Malone ended up owning a bar, Baumgartner, who played the character, has shared that there originally was a full back story about how his new profession came about.
Speaking to actor explained that the idea was born out of Kevin becoming a firm fan favorite when the fictional documentary aired. However, there simply was not enough time to fit the rest of the story into the ending.
“It’s funny, the idea behind Kevin of getting a bar in the end actually came from [the idea] that when the documentary aired, people would love Kevin, “he said.
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“There was a whole story … Greg Daniels [series writer], what he wrote for the end could have been four hours of television. So there was more to that story. “
He continued: “He got the bar in the last episode from people who loved his character when the documentary aired on the show. That’s where that came from.
“There were filmed scenes that failed, due to the time, for him to become a cult fan favorite based on the fictional documentary that aired.”
Baumgartner, who recently started his own podcast on the show titled An oral history of the officeHe also shared his thoughts on the cast reuniting for more episodes.
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“It’s very, very difficult. I’m not exactly sure what the idea might be … I know that Greg Daniels is a genius and that he could solve something,” he said. “But I think when people discuss this, they think about going back and doing more episodes in Dunder Mifflin with everyone present.
“There was a conversation … We were going to start losing more cast eventually. I’m not saying something is imminent … ER it ran for any 20 years. George Clooney goes and they bring someone else, and this person goes and they bring someone else … I call him the ER Factor.”
He added that “The office It could have run 20 years, it could still be on today, I really think so. With a different cast, with different people going in and out of Dunder Mifflin. “
The complete boxset series of The United States Office It is available on DVD now.
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