Oct Octo in Orange County. 3 to 239 new cases and 5 new deaths reported – Orange County Register

The Orange County Health Care Agency reported 239 new cases of coronavirus on Saturday, Oct. 3, bringing the total to 54,357 cases.

The county has a seven-day moving average of 161 for new daily cases, down from a peak of 857 on July 12.

An estimated 5,099 cases have been reported in the county in the last 30 days.

About 90% of the accumulated cases have been reported or 48,831 people have recovered by Saturday. The calculation of recovered people is based on the previous 28-day accumulated case count.

The county also reported five new deaths from coronavirus on Saturday, bringing the total to 1,286 deaths.

Of the 1,286 deaths in Orange County, 462 were residents of skilled nursing facilities, 89 were in supportive subsistence facilities and four were listed as homeless.

County breakdown of death by age is as follows:

  • Age 85 and over: 31% (400)
  • 75-84: 22% (274)
  • 65-74: 20% (259)
  • 55-64: 13% (185)
  • 45-54: 9% (108)
  • 35-44: 3% (36)
  • 25-34: 1.3% (19)
  • 18-24: <1% (4)
  • Age 17 and over: 0% (1)

Officials say death statistics in the county are drawn from death certificates or collected during the investigation of the case and the process could take weeks, officials say. The most recent deaths occurred on 28 September.

The county reports that a total of 891,104 tests have been issued since the trial began, and at least 10,074 tests have been recorded in the last 24 hours.

The county also admitted 160 patients to hospitals with coronavirus on Saturday, two more than previously reported. There were 47 patients in the ICU.

Officials insist that the data posted every day is preliminary and subject to change. More information may become available once the investigation of the individual case is completed.

You can find the Orange County Health Care Agency dashboard here.

Hospitalization and death:

Orange cut. Total cases of Orange County by zip code for 2

Case Population Content as of August 20: