Oasis purchased by a Chinese developer from the Chinese Australian island is banned

A Chinese real estate company that has bought an Australian Australian island has prevented its USS residents from living in paradise.

Residents say they can’t return to their home in 2019 as developer China Bloom bought a 99-year lease to take control of Caswick Island.

“I don’t think they want Austral Australians on the island,” former islander Julie Willis told the news program. “I think they want to use the island only for the use of the Chinese tourism market.”

The Chinese developer has banned RBNB from renting out their homes to residents, which residents say has ruined tourism, and prevented them from entering the island by air, land and sea.

Raina Asbury, a former resident, told the news program that no tourists had come since September last year.

The Queensland government-owned Keswick Island was declared a national park.

The Queensland Resources Department said it was “a current affair” and hoped any settlement reached between the islanders and China Bloom could be resolved.

It is the responsibility of the department to work with both Chief Bloom and Subalce’s heads to ensure that China Bloom works to improve roads, boat ramps, JTOs and maritime infrastructure facilities, especially China Bloom, in accordance with the terms of the lease. ”Said the department.

Australia has been embroiled in tensions between Australia and China, over a picture recently shared on social media by a Chinese official who killed an Australian Australian soldier and an Afghan child. The Chinese government has refused to apologize to China for the fake photos.
