Youngsquid / Reddit
American public health concerns and racial tensions are raging in NYC … where a black woman’s refusal to wear a mask turned into an ugly, super-tension scene on the subway.
The video begins with a woman removing an old white man from it. Apparently, she came to his face, demanding that he cover his face … which she did not want to do, and instead became ballistic on her and many other passengers.
She accused people of ganging up on her because she’s black – and screamed at her like she did. Screaming and the lack of a mask extended the intensity of the same moment.
By the end of the incident, more and more people on the subway car were upset … some against it, some defended it and others just argued that the conflict was catching the train. Someone threatened to call the cops, but we don’t yet know if they reacted to the scene.
Like all hell was released … you can cut stress with a knife.