Novelist accidentally gets into a discussion about Tekken 7 balance, leading to a lot of confusion, funny interactions and a reaction from Stephen King

I think you have chosen the wrong character on the Versus screen

While most of us here are familiar with the jargon and terminology surrounding the realm of fighting games, it is sometimes important to be reminded that those on the outside generally have no idea what we are talking about.

A Tekken 7 fan recently experienced this confusion first hand when they tried to ask producer Michael Murray about the balance of the game, but they accidentally took novels instead Myke Cole which led to some funny interactions between the communities.

Twitter user Jbacher tried to reach out to Tekken developers as to why one of Paul’s big low attacks is not punishable on blocks that apparently would not make much sense to pretty much anyone who does not play the game.

“I’ve been watching this tweet for a mere 5 minutes and I have no idea what it means,” replied Cole, best known for the penny of the novels Shadow Ops: Control Point and The Armored Saint along with appearances on TV shows like Hunting and Contact. “It seems as seductive as English and yet … I do not think it is? I keep thinking if I read it only once, I will understand it.”

This exchange also caught the eye of world-famous suspense and horror author Stephen King, who called the text strange, among other things.

Many in the fighting game community were quick to jump in and try to explain the situation, although everyone involved eventually seemed to laugh about the mix-up.

The message also came back to Bandai Namco’s Murray played a bit the fact that they accidentally, the maker of It and The Shining got to say something about Tekken.

There are some lessons we need to remember from this encounter, such as being aware of our language used in conversations with people outside the FGC bubble as well as those who are just trying to dip their toes into fighting games – and also double check that you tag the right people on social media.
