– Yesterday we were very worried


Chief of Staff Mark Meadows told reporters outside Walter Reed Military Hospital, where the president is being treated for COVID-19.

– We are not yet on a clear path to recovery, he also said.

The comment to Meadows stands in sharp contrast to the more optimistic assessment of the doctors who reported on Trump’s condition on Saturday afternoon.

VIP: These photos are from the VIP room of the Walter Reed Army Medical Hospital, where President Donald Trump is now receiving treatment. Video: AP. Photo: NTB. Reporter: Elias Kr. Zahl-Pettersen
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– worried

They did not say whether Trump was short of breath and had to have oxygen at the White House before being taken to the hospital Friday afternoon.

Trump himself gave his own assessment when he tweeted Saturday night that he was feeling better and that he hopes to be back soon. According to sources from the New York Times, the president was not happy with this portrait of his health and a few hours later he wrote on Twitter that he was fine.

- I didn't feel so good

– I didn’t feel so good

A few hours later, on Sunday night Norwegian time, Chief of Staff Mark Meadows confirms to Fox News that Trump’s condition worsened on Friday.

– Yesterday we were very worried. He had a fever and his blood oxygen levels dropped rapidly, he said, according to the New York Times, which quotes Fox News.

He also praised the president for his “incredible courage and incredible improvement.”


The conflicting information creates a credibility crisis for the White House at a critical time, when the health of the president and the country’s leadership are at stake.

$ 250,000 for meeting with crown-infected Trump

$ 250,000 for meeting with crown-infected Trump

He will likely stay in the hospital for at least a few more days, just a month before the November 3 presidential election.

Saturday’s press conference with Trump’s physician, Sean Conley, raised more questions than clear answers.

Conley repeatedly declined to say whether Trump needed additional oxygen and did not say how high his temperature had been. She also said that Trump showed symptoms of covid-19 on Wednesday, earlier than was first reported.

The virus rages in the inner circle

The virus rages in the inner circle

Conley said Trump’s symptoms, including a mild cough, nasal congestion and fatigue, were improving and that he did not have a fever. Another doctor, Sean Dooley, said that the functions of the heart, kidneys and liver were normal.

– He’s still fever-free and on no supplemental oxygen, with a saturation level of between 96 and 98 percent throughout the day, Conley writes in a new update on Sunday night Norwegian time.

I COULD NOT: Donald Trump’s doctor, Dr. Sean Conley, declined to answer whether the president had received oxygen. Video: AP
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Trump received his first dose of the drug with Remdesivir on Friday and his second dose on Saturday. Doctors plan to treat him with the drug for the next five days. You have also been given an experimental antibody mix.

In the Twitter video that Trump sent on Saturday night, he said that as president he had had no choice but to show himself among the people and continue the election campaign.

– I have to be out there. I can’t lock myself in an upstairs room and be completely safe. As a leader, you have to face problems, he said.

The Trump administration has been somewhat open about the president’s infection, and the first heard of the infection from Trump’s close aide, Hope Hicks, was in the media.

Trump claims he received oxygen at the White House

Trump claims he received oxygen at the White House

Severe outbreak

Since then, it turned out that there is a serious corona eruption in the White House. Besides Trump himself, his wife Melania and Hicks are several others who have been close to Trump in the last week, infected.

CROWNSMITTET: US President Donald Trump made a short video statement via Twitter after he was diagnosed with coronary heart disease. It was recorded at the White House before he was transferred to the hospital on the night of October 3.
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Among them are his former associates Kellyanne Conway and Chris Christie, campaign manager Bill Stepien, Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel and three senators: Mike Lee, Thom Tillis and Ron Johnson.

Many of them may have been infected when 150 guests gathered in the Rose Garden and inside the White House when Trump introduced his Supreme Court candidate, Amy Coney Barrett.

But many may also have been infected when they traveled with Trump to campaign in Minnesota and for the presidential debate in Cleveland or in other meetings with him. Hardly anyone wore a mask inside the White House or on the presidential plane or in the presidential helicopter.

Election campaign as a team

It was also revealed that Trump traveled to New Jersey for a fundraising meeting with many donors on Thursday, even though Hope Hicks had tested positive for the virus that morning.

Although Trump will improve in the coming days and will be released from the hospital, he will likely have to remain isolated and quiet for at least the next ten days.

This means that you can’t campaign with the large mass gatherings that you enjoy. So far, Vice President Mike Pence is leading the election campaign, with trips after the vice presidential debate next week to Arizona, Indiana and Florida.
