– Worst candidate ever


Just before 1 a.m. Norwegian time Sunday, President Donald Trump ended a public meeting in the state of Michigan. He boarded Air Force One and headed for Wisconsin, where a large crowd awaited him.

Trump takes the stage at the public meeting in Janesville, Wisconsin, shortly before 2 p.m. Norwegian time. In the speech, the president approaches his rival, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

CHALLENGES: Joe Biden, the Democratic presidential candidate. Photo: REUTERS / Tom Brenner
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– I face the worst of history. Imagine if I lose. He would lose to the worst candidate in the history of politics. What do I do if I lose? I’d rather take on someone who is exceptionally talented, then at least I can move on and live my life. But we will not lose, we will win, he says, to the cheers of the audience.

Trump came up with a similar attack during a rally in Georgia on Saturday night.

Later in the speech, the president also talks about being infected with the coronavirus in early October.

“Shit Package” Shaking America

– I have it. And now they say that I am immune. I am immune! And I got better fast. I can jump into the crowd and give you a big kiss. Women and men. I even want to kiss men. I want to kiss the big powerful men down there. I don’t want to like it, but I can do it, says the president.

TETT I TETT: Up to 10,000 people were together at an airport in Ocala when Trump was visiting. One of them was Dave Thorsen (70). Reporter in the United States: Trym Mogen. Video: Maduro / AP. Clip: Madeleine Liereng
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Additionally, Trump talks about the treatment he received at the hospital.

– We will make what I have available to everyone, free, he promises.

It does not give a specific description of the drugs that this actually involves. Last week it emerged that Trump has been treated, among other things, with Remdesivir. It was recently revealed that preliminary results from a WHO study show that the drug does not reduce mortality in patients with COVID-19.

Trump has previously spoken about the drug Regeneron, which he was also dealt with.

Local doctors asked Trump to cancel

Local doctors asked Trump to cancel

In his speech, Trump also reaches out to the media.

– Democrats and the media are the same, says and continues:

– The good news is… Well, I don’t call it good news. When I go one day (journal of notes from the presidency) … If it is in four years, eight years, 12 years, 16 …

– Tomorrow’s headlines will be, with the fake news, “he’s a fascist.” But when it’s over in a moment, they’ll be bankrupt. They know it too. So I suspect that one day they will come together and say “let’s support him because he has done a very good job.”

DIFFICULT: During a speech to his supporters in the state of Wisconsin, President Donald Trump makes a promise that will be difficult to keep. Video: AP
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Trump has previously drawn attention by refusing to answer whether he will guarantee a peaceful seizure of power if he loses the November 3 presidential election. He has also talked about wanting to serve as president for more than eight years. In the United States, a president can only do the job for a total of eight years, that is, two presidential terms.

At a rally in August, also in the state of Wisconsin, Trump said they would win another four years.

– And after that we will go another four years, because they spied on my campaign. We should be four years old again, he said.
