Working with a stricter testing regime – NRK Norway – Summary of news from different parts of the country


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Today, Norway extended the ban on flights from the UK until Christmas Day. This meant that passengers who had already boarded to London had to leave the plane today.

The ban currently only applies to UK aircraft, although the virus has been detected in several countries, albeit to a more limited extent than in the UK.

Health authorities are now working on a set of rules that can replace the flight ban and apply to various countries.

– In the long term, the entry rules will probably be more and more similar because we believe that this mutation of the virus will appear in several countries, says deputy director of health Espen Rostrup Nakstad to NRK.

So there will probably not be an extension of the flight ban, but a tightening of the rules when you come to Norway.

Another mutation in the UK

According to British authorities, the mutated virus is 70 percent more contagious. As if that were not enough, today they warned of another variant that could be even worse.

– The new variant creates great concern, because it appears to have mutated more than the other new variant, says Health Minister Matt Hancock.

He also says that this variant appears to be more contagious than the previous mutation.

Gaps in the regulations

Although there is a ban on flights from the UK, a person can travel through Amsterdam and into Norway.

– It is a hole that we have been aware of and that we are working to close, says Nakstad.

He says it doesn’t have to be a deliberate circumvention of the rules, but that there may be natural reasons for traveling through another country.

He says this has been a challenge throughout the pandemic. Nakstad won’t say anything about people who deliberately circumvent the rules and do something immoral.

– It is unfortunate that people come from the UK without being quarantined and examined, believes Nakstad.

Considering austerity

When it comes to people who have been to the UK, the Norwegian Health Authority does not say that they “recommend” getting tested. They “ask” the person to prove himself, which is a stronger stimulus.

Work is now under way to determine if the testing regimen can be made even more stringent.

– We are working on how to implement that the quarantine is maintained and that people prove themselves, says Nakstad without wanting to go into how it can be resolved legally.

– Are you thinking of taking mandatory tests?

– We evaluate all conditions in the covid-19 regulations on an ongoing basis, including testing and quarantine rules upon entry, Nakstad responds.

An opportunity to test everyone is the mandatory test at airports.
