Women attacked in the open street


For more than a year between 2017 and 2018, the Oslo police investigated several mysterious assaults and rapes that apparently took place independently of each other.

The assaults had in common a recurring pattern of action: a man grabbed the women by the neck from behind and strangled them, several of them until they lost consciousness. Then he sexually assaulted them.

The investigation was called “Operation Løkka,” and the police went without a trace for a long time, before obtaining a DNA match on a man in June 2018. Then they rolled up the extensive assault case.

In total, there are nine women offended in the case. The man has now been sentenced in the Borgarting Court of Appeal to 15 years in detention, with a minimum period of nine years.

Assault on an open street

The first conditions attributed to the 39-year-old man took place in 2005.

Initially, the man committed the so-called rapes during sleep, in which he performed various sexual acts with the victim while she slept.

Subsequent conditions that occurred two or three years ago are about assaults.

“Anne” (24): – He asked me to say goodbye to my two-year-old daughter.

Several times late at night on weekends, the 39-year-old has attacked the offended women from behind and, to varying degrees, has attempted to rape them.

Three of the women were strangled until they lost consciousness. Two tried to suffocate but managed to break free from the domain.

Up to six of the conditions were carried out on an open street in Oslo. The most severe point of the verdict concerns a woman who was attacked at night in Tøyenparken. The man knocked the woman unconscious before raping her.

All the offended women have explained that they have various psychological consequences, such as anxiety or fear.

For the sake of social protection

The judgment of the Court of Appeals establishes that the experts consider the risk of the man committing new serious crimes as very high.

The purpose of the custodial sentence is based on protecting society.

Hunting an unknown killer, then Benjamin (27) discovered something in the river

«The Court of Appeal has no doubt that social protection considerations, assessed in the light of the future risk of further serious crimes after serving a fixed-term prison sentence of 15 years, indicate that detention should be imposed. The Court of Appeals refers, in the first place, to the repeated serious infractions, which in part seem inexplicable, and for which the accused has not been able to give any rational explanation,»Write the Court of Appeal.

The man also has a long criminal record and has previously been convicted of violence, aggravated robbery and rape.

Want treatment

At first, the 39-year-old did not admit that the relationship had a sexual motive. He was convicted in the Oslo District Court in September last year and appealed the verdict because he thought there was no need to detain him. He is now ready to serve his sentence, even though he is disappointed with the sentence.

Expert psychiatrists evaluated the man’s mental health and concluded that he is criminally sane, but that he has conduct personality disorder.

DEFENDANT: Sidsel Katralen says the man wants treatment instead of serving a long prison sentence.

DEFENDANT: Sidsel Katralen says the man wants treatment instead of serving a long prison sentence. Photo: Terje Pedersen

His defender, lawyer Sidsel Katralen, tells TV 2 that he is critical of the fact that his client received a potentially long prison sentence and says they should have seen he received a prison sentence that facilitated better treatment.

– With a long prison sentence, one can imagine having attended to their need for treatment. That is why we appeal. He is now sitting in the Ila detention center, where the offer of treatment is limited, says Katralen.

The 39-year-old has sought treatment himself and, according to Katralen, is motivated to improve. The advocate, on the other hand, believes that his treatment needs will not be met.

– It is known that mental health care in Norwegian prisons is not enough, even if those who work with it do the best they can. I wonder if it really must be true that if you are seriously ill and commit a crime, you will be arrested, says the defender.

In addition, the man is sentenced to pay a total of 625,000 crowns in reparation and compensation.
