Woman arrested after helicopter hunt in Halden


– We have arrested a woman in another place than Ystehede. We have control over several people, but we don’t want to say anything more about the details now, says police task leader Remi Kopperud to Halden Arbeiderblad.

– We have more or less finished the real action in Ystehede now, he adds.

A helicopter, at least five police cars and dogs were involved in the search for the woman believed to be in her 60s. An area towards Skriverøya was cordoned off.

– So the police are in control of probably the right lady who has been wanted, writes the Police in the east. Twitter just before 20 Easter eve.

The woman escaped into the forest when police on Saturday afternoon tried to search the car she was in. The check was carried out on the basis of a notice about the delivery of a bag in Elgåfossen, on the Swedish border.

– The car has been found and two people have been arrested under the Customs Law, but one person is missing: a lady who is probably in her 60s, operations manager Svein Walle previously told VG.

The bag has been found, according to police.
