Wolf Killed in Rogaland – NRK Rogaland – Local News, TV and Radio


On Friday night, a wolf was shot near Moi in Lund Township. So says Arve Aarhus, leader of the Predator Damage Control Team.

The logging permit was granted on October 8.

At 9.30pm on Friday night, a hunting team left after a report of a wolf hunting sheep in the pasture not far from Moi.

At 11:08 p.m. the wolf was shot.

– Much will applaud

– It wasn’t long from the report came in until the damage settlement was completed, says Aarhus.

According to him, it is not easy to shoot a wolf even if you know that the wolf is in an area.


TO TRONDHEIM: The wolf that was shot now belongs to the Norwegian Environment Agency and will be sent to Trondheim. On Saturday morning the corpse was on its way to Lund.

– It’s hard to see in the dark. Much will be done for such logging to take place, but yesterday the situation was such that it worked, he says.

There are roads and houses in the area where the wolf was shot, but Aarhus will not characterize it as a densely populated area.

17 years ago last

It is not common to see wolves in Rogaland, nor is it common in wolf hunting. The last time a wolf was shot in the county was on February 22, 2003. At that time we had not shot a wolf since the late 1800s.

Also in 2003, the wolf was killed in the south of the county, near Krossmoen south of Egersund. Then genetic analyzes showed that three wolves had been on the move on the Agder-Rogaland border in the months leading up to the logging.

Wolf at Krossmoen in Eigersund, February 2003

17 YEARS AGO: The last time wolves were shot in Rogaland was in February 2003.

Photo: Anne Lise Indrefjord / NRK

Since then, wolves have been seen on the county border multiple times, including at Sirdal 2013, when logging permits were also issued.

This summer, wolves have been seen multiple times in both counties and various injuries to animals have been reported. The background to the logging permit in October was the discovery of two slaughtered lambs earlier this fall. The lamb was found by Sirdalsvatnet on the Agder border.

Therefore, the Rogaland County Governor opened for the wolf hunt on October 8-21.

Logging permit to no avail this summer

Also in July, the Agder County Governor granted a logging permit for a wolf in the area. Then the background was a lamb slaughtering on Agder’s side.

The same wolf had probably killed another lamb and wounded two sheep at Sirdal.

The wolf that was shot on Friday will be cared for by the Norwegian Environment Agency. In between, samples of the wolf will be taken and it will be confirmed that the hunt has continued. The corpse will be sent to Trondheim.

Wolf killed by wolf in Sirdal.

IN SIRDAL: A lamb The Norwegian Nature Conservation Authority was killed by a wolf at Sirdal in Agder this summer.

Photo: Statens naturoppsyn
