William (22) has soon been in quarantine for 52 days: – Tragicomic – VG


YOU NEED A CUT: William Urbye Myhre says one of the things he misses the most in quarantine is a visit to the hair salon. Photo: Private

Soon William Urbye Myhre completes a total of 52 days of quarantine since the pandemic began. – I don’t think anyone has received as many calls from FHI as I have.

– I’m not going to say it’s not boring, but I know where to go online to entertain myself, so I rarely get bored, says the 22-year-old on the collective’s phone in Bergen, where he is spending his fourth quarantine period.

When completed, William Urbye Myhre will have been quarantined 52 of the 179 days since Norway closed on March 13.

Bergens Tidende was the first to mention the case.

He spent the first 14 days of quarantine at the home of an acquaintance he visited in Australia on March 16. The return to Norway was followed by another period of quarantine.

– There are days when I wear my own cloak, he emphasizes.

Urbye Myhre had just started his studies at the Norwegian School of Administration in Bergen when the National Institute of Public Health called him on 22 August with the message that he was in close contact with an infected person.

– It was an explosion. You are back to study your third year and would like to have a little fun. Even though the rules have been tightened, it’s still nice to be able to dine with people, she says.

Submit your quarantine history to the VG journalists.

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– People have had a worse time

While the 22-year-old was in his third quarantine, his girlfriend was confirmed to be infected. Therefore, you must stay at home in the bus until September 15.

– It’s tragicomic. I never thought it would happen so quickly, but I can’t see the humor in it. It’s tough and, but it helps me thrive in my own company, he says.

Urbye Myhre believes that the roommates have facilitated the situation.

– We keep our distance, but we remain together as friends. Then time passes. Although I’ve been in quarantine for a long time, there are probably people who have had a worse time, but I don’t think anyone has received as many calls from FHI as I have.

– Have you been tempted to break the quarantine?

– Never, I have respect for the virus and the last thing I want on my conscience is that I have infected others. I stay inside and make people buy for me, he says.

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INFECTION OUTBREAK IN NORWAY’S BUSINESS SCHOOL: 117 NHH students were confirmed to be infected after the start of their studies. As a result of the outbreak, the school suspended all education and physical activities. Photo: Gabriel Aas Skålevik

I have a new hobby

Despite having time to leave, Urbye Myhre admits that she misses the social part.

– It’s not necessarily a difficult party, but being able to meet a handful of people over a glass of wine, says the 22-year-old.

– Do you have any new hobbies?

– I have a new hobby; is driving a car, only in a simulator. It’s kind of fun because driving is the worst thing I know.

– You haven’t started baking, is that it?

– I haven’t started baking. I probably would have started with him if I loved scones, but I don’t think it’s that “pretty,” he says.

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Take the virus more seriously now

Figures from health authorities show that infection in July and August increased the most among young people. The NHH student is unsure if this means that people in this age group have grown weary of the restrictions.

– I myself know that I take it more seriously now than at the beginning of the pandemic. It’s natural that the closer you get to the virus, the more serious it becomes, he says.

– What do you want to say to the young people who are called by FHI with a message to stay at home?

– It won’t be fun for you to do it yourself. I think it was incredibly uncomfortable when I realized that it was 52 and not 40 days, but then I wondered how I could make the stay more enjoyable. It’s important to stay active, as long as you do it responsibly, he says.

For Bergens Tidende, the National Institute of Public Health says there are no statistics on how many days people have been in quarantine because of the crown.

– We cannot say anything intelligent about this as we do not have such figures. But this student must have been unlucky, the press officer told the newspaper.

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