Will continue with strict measures in the capital – VG


INCREASE IN INFECTIONS: In the last 24 hours, 231 new cases of infection were registered in Oslo, which has a clearly increasing infection trend. Photo: Fredrik Solstad, VG

– I am concerned about the increasing infection now, especially since many probably have the mutated virus, says City Councilor Raymond Johansen to VG.


– There is no doubt that the importation of mutated variants of the virus has increased the spread of the infection in the population. We see the results of this through increased infection rates. Therefore, the line of strict measures of the city council in time is fixed, he tells VG in the middle of the winter holidays.

This is happening at the same time as 231 new cases of infection have been registered in Oslo. That’s 116 more than the daily average for the previous seven days, which is 115.

Since 230 new cases of infection were reported on November 19 last year, the number in the capital has not been higher.

The infection trend in both Oslo and Norway is increasing.


– Oslo has the strictest measures in the country, we have had them for a long time and we will continue to do so. Therefore, we have had a good control over the infection situation. But now I’m concerned about the growing infection, especially since so many people probably have the mutated virus, he says.

Before winter break, health advisor Robert Steen asked the capital’s adult population to be tested. This led to a test record of almost 25,000 crown tests during the previous week.

– It is gratifying to see that so many have tested themselves in relation to winter break and that now we can get even more infections. This also gives us the opportunity to track more infections, isolate and quarantine more people, says the city council leader.

OSLO: City Councilman Raymond Johansen and Health City Councilor Robert Steen at a news conference in early February. Photo: Heiko Junge

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– It gives us a solid foundation to reduce the pressure of infection. There should be a low threshold for testing, and I encourage everyone coming from winter break outside of Oslo to get tested after arrival, he continues.

Here is the worst

The Stovner district has the highest infection pressure. There are currently 387 infected per 100,000 inhabitants in the last two weeks. Alna district ranks second with 345 and Grorud is third with 310 infected per 100,000.

The lowest infection pressure is found in Ullern and Nordre Aker with 115 and 118 infected per 100,000.

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TESTED: At the Adamstuen test center, Oslo residents can test for coronavirus. Photo: Terje Pedersen

A total of 19,660 Oslo citizens have been reported infected since March last year. Approximately a quarter of the cases, almost 4,800, are registered in the age group of 20 to 29 years.

Vaccinations to Oslo

Johansen says that despite high infection rates, he is happy with the gradual reopening for children and youth.

– It is absolutely necessary to reduce the burden on the city’s children and youth, and to ensure that they have the best possible offer of kindergarten, school, sport and leisure activities during this difficult time.

He reiterates that he believes that Oslo, as a municipality with a high spread of the infection, should have priority in the distribution of vaccines.

– Good vaccination results combined with persistent strict measures should indicate that the government now prioritizes Oslo to a greater extent when they are going to distribute vaccines in the future.

Very concerned about high infection rates

– I am concerned about high infection rates, he tells NTB.

– We have had great relief in recent weeks at the national and local level for children and youth. This may have led many to also perceive that other measures have been relaxed, he continues.
