Whisper inside Biden’s camp: – People are cursed


Joe Biden’s path to the White House has probably cleared his biggest hurdle, after President Donald Trump finally opened up the transition process.

But now his next big challenge awaits him from his own ranks.

According to Politico, several of his close supporters are now furious that Biden is inducting former Obama supporters into high-level positions in his future administration, rather than assigning these positions to people who have long served Biden’s presidential candidacy. .

– The Obama people are now taking the inside turn against the people who got Biden elected. None of these people had the courage to help the former vice president get elected, and now his friends are being chosen over Biden’s people. Is fuckedsays an anonymous source in the Politico administration.

Many Obama employees

Among the positions that Biden has secured are Antony Blinken’s Foreign Minister job and Janet Yellen’s Finance Minister job. They are both former Obama people.

From 2015 to 2017, Blinken was undersecretary of state under then-Secretary of State John Kerry in the administration of President Barack Obama. Biden also announced Monday that he wants the aforementioned Kerry as a special envoy on climate change.

Future US President Joe Biden (right) will have former Secretary of State John Kerry (left) as his special envoy for climate change.  Photo: AP / NTB Photo: NTB scanpix

The future President of the United States, Joe Biden (right), will have former Secretary of State John Kerry (left) as his special envoy responsible for climate change. Photo: AP / NTB Photo: NTB scanpix

Kerry was the Democratic presidential candidate in 2004, but lost to George W. Bush. He later served as Secretary of State from 2013 to 2017 under Obama.

Biden also nominates another Obama administration veteran, Jake Sullivan, for the position of national security adviser.

– People are cursed

Another close Biden supporter confirms the impression left on supporters, calling it a well-founded critique of the people who have supported Biden through thick and thin.

Several of them are now beginning to panic about whether they are part of the future president’s future plans.

– People are cursed. I think they’ll take care of me, but nothing has happened yet. I’m very interested in finding out how to get a job in the White House, says an anonymous source.

Selected experience

These are supporters who stood by Biden’s side, even as other Democratic candidates like Bernie Sanders, Beto O’Rourke and Elizabeth Warren had more wind in their election campaign sails in early 2019.

Another anonymous supporter of Biden’s team says in defense of the campaign that they are still very early in the process and that people who have done solid work for the campaign will still have a role to play in the administration.

– These people are experienced and proven in crisis, and they are also innovative and have imagination, Biden said Monday about the candidates he had decided so far.
