– What terrible “joke” is this?


Due to the uncertainty about yesterday’s vote in Skal Vi danse, TV 2 decided on Sunday that Nate and Helene will have another shot at the competition.

Late the night before, TV 2 received many reactions from the audience via social media that there were problems getting a vote during the decisive dance duel between Nate Kahungu and Michael Andreassen.

– There should never be uncertainty about the polls on TV 2. So today we have decided that Nate and Helene will have another chance next Saturday, says press manager Jan-Petter Dahl on TV 2.

– Very disappointed

For TV 2, Nate Kahungu says he didn’t believe it when he received the message early Sunday.

– The first two seconds I thought “What terrible joke is this?”

The former Love Island contestant makes no secret of how disappointed he was when the result became clear Saturday night.

Check out the interview with Kahungu at the top of the case!

– I was very disappointed. But what disappointed me the most was what I gave my partner, says Kahungu.

Now he and his partner Helene Spilling are preparing for the next broadcast. The fact that she smoked gives the reality star added motivation.

– As if I had not had enough to prove before, at least I have it now to show that I deserve that opportunity. I’m not here to be lazy, says Kahungu.

Exploited capacity

The cause of the problem is also clear. The record number of voices that entered during the dance duel caused the system’s capacity to explode.

– This is the first time we have experienced this around a “Let’s Dance” broadcast, and now we will ensure that the capacity around the TV2 survey is not significantly expanded before the next broadcast. At the same time, we’ve now asked Nate if he wants to continue on “Skal vi danse”, and we’re very happy that he and his dance partner Helene Spilling are ready next Saturday, says Jan-Petter Dahl on TV 2.

Thus, it will be two couples that will explode in the next broadcast of the popular dance program.

Shock output

That it was Nate and Helene who had to leave the competition on Saturday night surprised many. The pair have been one of the pre-favorites to win, and they have also been among the highest-scoring ones up to several times during the season.

Nate himself also admitted that he was surprised to break up already now.

– Yes, I was a bit surprised. Is it allowed to say? I have received good comments. But I’m not a professional dancer, and if viewers think I don’t deserve it, that’s perfectly fine, Nate told tv2.no.
