– What it says is garbage


NASHVILLE (Dagbladet): Presidential candidates spoke little on each other’s lips, NBC host Kristen Welker was praised for her efforts as a moderator, including by the president himself.

All in all, it was a very different debate that we saw in Nashville last night than in the first debate three weeks ago.

– Does not want to talk about important issues. It is not about your family and my family. It’s about your family and your family is suffering a lot.

DECIDED?: The question is whether the debate could have had an impact on voters, like this guy in Nashville. 47 million have already voted in advance. Eleven days before the elections, everything is ahead of the 2016 level. Photo: Lars E claim Bones / Dagbladet
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The words fell after Donald Trump repeatedly accused Biden and his family of being corrupt during last night’s debate.


Biden was stabbed multiple times against Donald Trump, while the president was very offensive in his accusations against Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, and attacked the former vice president for not having done enough in his eight years and 47 years. years he has been elected. .

– OH MY GOD: A comment from Trump about Biden’s brother caused him to overflow for the Democratic presidential nominee. Video: AP
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“I’m president now, not vice president,” Biden replied.

The debate in Nashville last night began with another lie from Donald Trump that 2.2 million people were expected to die from the coronavirus in the United States. That estimate was applied if nothing was done to combat the coronavirus.

The virus was the first topic during the debate, which will be the last in this electoral campaign. Joe Biden clearly leads the polls, but Donald Trump still has a shot at landing four new years in office on November 3.

– racist

Eliminated in the last minute

Eliminated in the last minute

The debate, which draws tens of millions of viewers, may be one of your last chances.

“I am the least racist person in this room,” Trump said when faced with statements about Black Lives Matter.

He also reiterated the claim that no one has done more for blacks than he has since Abraham Lincoln, a claim that has been repeated several times in the election campaign.

Biden responds by calling Trump “one of the most racist presidents we have had in modern history.”

– Pour gasoline on every racist bonfire, says Biden, noting that during the 2016 campaign, Trump called Mexicans “rapists.”

– Only trash

During the 90-minute debate, the two candidates covered the topics of covid-19, American families, racial issues, climate change, national security, and leadership.

But it was a lot about attacks on Joe Biden’s family and accusations of corruption by the president.

– Joe, they call you a corrupt politician.

– There are 50 people previously connected to national intelligence who say that what he accuses me of is … What he says is nonsense, Biden replied.

Her er Trumps «luremur»

Her er Trumps «luremur»

The allegations had been hailed for nearly an hour and a half that Biden was corrupt and that he and his family had received money from countries such as China and Ukraine.

Attracted attention

The handling of Corona also took up a lot of space in this debate. Now we also got to see the entire Trump family wearing a mask in the debating room, something they chose to remove in the first debate.

Both the implementation, the tone and the objectivity of this debate are considered more successful than the first debate. Trump’s performance is also being recognized to a greater extent.

BAD WORK: President Donald Trump says that bad work by Obama and Biden made him president. Video: AP
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Maybe it was the “mute” button, which made sure that the other candidate’s microphone didn’t work when the candidates needed to make two-minute statements made the difference, but at least it wasn’t a mess of words where Trump and Biden spoke the one from another.

At the same time, Trump drew attention with several statements. One of them is that he knows more about wind turbines than Biden and that they “kill birds.” Another was that he claimed that only immigrants with “low IQs” would appear in court if they were released after an arrest.

MET: For the first time in three weeks, Donald Trump and Joe Biden met for a duel. Photo: AP Photo / Julio Cortez / NTB
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– The character of the country

Candidates were also asked about leadership and character.

Trump explained that he was running for office by Biden.

– I asked for you, says Trump, noting that he doesn’t think former President Barack Obama and then Vice President Joe Biden did a good job.

– If I think you did a good job, I would not run for election.

WITH MOUTH: Daughter Ivanka Trump, wife Melania Trump, and daughter Tiffany Trump with a bandage before the presidential debate on Friday night. Photo: Photo by Jim WATSON / AFP / NTB
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– You know who I am. You know who is he. You know his character and mine. You know our reputation for honor and for telling the truth, Biden responds.

– The country’s rating is on the ballot, our rating is on the ballot, says Biden.

– I take responsibility

The economy and the corona virus, two political issues that are inextricably linked, are considered among the most important in this debate and the electoral campaign, including health policy.

Trump had to answer for 220,000 corona deaths in the United States, again claiming the estimates were 2.2 million.

The professor's relentless criticism of Trump: - Sadismo

The professor’s relentless criticism of Trump: – Sadismo

– I take full responsibility. It’s not my fault he came here. It’s China’s fault, Trump says of the coronavirus, which was first discovered in the Chinese city of Wuhan.

– He says we learn to live with it. People learn to die from it. You at home who have an empty chair at the kitchen table this morning. The husband or wife who goes to bed tonight and reaches out to touch, out of habit, his wife or husband, who has left. Do you learn to live with it? Come on, we’ll die with it. Because he never said it was dangerous, Biden says and asks if Trump now means that the virus is dangerous.

Trump also promised a vaccine in a few weeks and that the virus will disappear.
