Weather, Extreme Weather | Extreme weather “Frank” is devastating northern Norway


In the north, Frank creates 170-kilometer-per-hour gusts and hits Troms at full force Friday morning.

LAST: About 800 are without power on Friday morning in northern Norway. In eastern Norway, around 3,000 customers are without electricity and in Agder, around 2,000 households are without electricity. Also in Troms and Nordland, customers are left without power in areas where trees have fallen on power lines due to bad weather. NRK reports.

Extreme weather Frank has hit Troms with the strongest wind between 6 and 8 o’clock on Friday morning, after Nordland noticed the forces of nature the most on Thursday.

The Norwegian Meteorological Institute has issued an extreme weather forecast for extremely strong gusts of 35-50 m / s at local level for Nord-Helgeland, Salten, Ofoten and Troms for the first part of Friday.

– We see the highest values ​​in Troms at 6-8 o’clock. Gust values ​​are looking more frightening in the country, meteorologist Jon Austerheim Vervarslinga in northern Norway told NTB at 05:00 on Friday night.

– Stung before the hurricane

According to Austerheim, the strongest wind is in the mountains, but some coastal stations have also measured winds with gusts of more than 30 meters per second. Among other things, 47.3 meters per second were measured at Sandnessjøen on Thursday.

Many measuring stations have been in a storm, that is, an average wind for a period of 10 minutes at more than 24.5 meters per second. Vannøya in Troms has had a strong storm, which is equivalent to more than 28.5 meters per second.

– It is choppy before the hurricane, says the meteorologist. The hurricane is an average wind with more than 32.6 meters per second.

Extreme weather Frank gives mainly sea winds, and then there are usually uneven winds with strong gusts.

Powerless and no phone on Friday morning

441 households in Mo i Rana in northern Norway were without power on Friday morning, reports Rana Blad at 06 o’clock. Also 81 households without electricity in an area in Vevelstad in Helgeland.

– The walls of the house have shaken well. The children’s swing has been overturned and we are excited about how it will look when it gets brighter, says Ann-Kristin Øverdal in Grønfjelldalen.

Networking company Arva, which includes former Troms Kraft Nett and Nordlandsnett, reported around 5 o’clock on a total of nearly 900 powerless customers.

– Our installers report on the harsh conditions in South County, and high wind making bug fixes nearly impossible, in an update at 02:00 on Friday. Troubleshooting has ended due to difficult conditions and work will resume on Friday morning.

Just after 06:30 on Friday morning, Telenor informs coverage director Bjørn Amundsen that five base stations in the area are without power and therefore out of service. Write Rana Blad.

Base stations at the following locations are outside: Lasken, Messingen, Andfjellnes, Bolna and Saltfjellet to the south (roughly in the Center of the Arctic Circle)

Blown roof closes E6

In Troms, E6 is closed at Fossbakken in Lavangen after roof tiles from a dilapidated inn were blown onto the road. Troms Police reports that the road traffic center is in the process of organizing the cleanup, reports NRK Nordland.

NRK Trafikk reports at 0640 that the E6 over Saltfjellet is still closed. Additionally, the crossings over Bjørnfjell, Graddis and Umbukta are also closed. Weather reservations have also been reported for stopovers on the Stokkvågen – Træna ferry route. Ferries canceled in Nordland: Helgeland, Bognes – Lødingen, Bodø Moskenes and others.

Also Read: Extreme Weather Forecast Sent In Northern Norway: – Stay Home

Are you close to the storm? Feel free to send us suggestions or photos to [email protected]!

Lots of rain in the south

From Thursday afternoon to Friday morning, heavy rainfall is expected in eastern Norway, in Agder and in Rogaland, reports the Meteorological Institute. The altitude can be between 40 and 50 centimeters of snow, while a lot of rain is expected in the lowlands.

Also read about extreme weather in northern Norway: meteorologists measured gusts with the force of a hurricane

In Oslo, the fire service asks everyone to take precautions and make sure that surface water is diverted from houses and basements.

In Sandefjord, the police reported around 3pm about loose dishes fluttering in the wind in Torggata, in the center of the city. The patrol that arrived at the scene observed that the metal fittings from the ceiling hung from the building. The municipality has been notified to secure the building.

Less 20-30 effective

The temperature in exposed places could drop 10 to 15 degrees below zero.

– Due to the strong wind, the effective temperature will quickly double, says the meteorologist and urges people to dress very well to avoid freezing if they have to move outdoors.

On Thursday, several schools in Nordland and Salten opted to send students home, while schools are also closed on Friday.

In addition, the Swedish transport company SJ has canceled the following train departures due to the storm:

  • Mosjøen – Bodø at 4:55 p.m. and Bodø – Mosjøen at 5:39 p.m.

The train from Bodø at 07.47 on Friday morning has also been canceled between Rognan and Mosjøen.

– All other trains run normally because they use train sets that are better suited to the storm, says SJ.

Read also: Stein Sneve: Furet værbitt – and Frank

The Saltdal resort in Nordland should have closed Thursday night, but is in use due to extreme weather.

They have people waiting in case the power goes out in the area, which has also happened. Then people can “put themselves in danger.”

– We have experienced that people here have panicked. Then we have taken good care of them, we have put on a lot of clothes and we have put them to bed so they do not start to freeze, says general manager Halvard Olsen to Avisa Nordland.

Read the full Avisa Nordland story here!

Dump truck

In Liating, in Lurøy municipality in Nordland, a truck must have overturned on Thursday afternoon.

A tipper sent the sensational trailer photo, which is at the top of the article, originally to Rana Blad.

Trucker Bjørn-Freddy Georgsen explained to NRK that he was heading from Mo i Rana to Bodø with the load full of fruits and vegetables.

– It was blowing hard, and I was relieved in slow motion. Then the train gave way.

Loosened roof

On Thursday, a roof was released in Namsos. Roof tiles flew through the air, according to the Trøndelag police district.

The police ask people from the Ramsvika area to remain inside until the situation is under control.

– We have cordoned off the area around the single family home, and no one can enter the surroundings without a helmet. We consider the situation too dangerous, as the tiles are light but sharp, Hege Hestø, chief of police operations, tells Namdalsavisa.

No injuries were reported in connection with the incident.

– Drive slowly

Hours earlier, a motorist passed a southbound highway on National Highway 4 in Hadeland. However, the driver was unable to get the car back on the right side and collided with an oncoming car.

Two cars ended up in the ditch of County Highway 33, both after rough driving.

Traffic operator Nils Jakob Aae tells OA that he encourages all drivers to be aware of where they are.

– There are difficult driving conditions and this is expected throughout the afternoon and evening. Keep both hands on the wheel and drive slowly, he says.

Also read: NVE warns of the danger of landslides in eastern Norway

According to, the bridge closes as soon as it measures wind speeds greater than 32 m / s. On the web camera of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, it could be clearly seen that the wind was 33 m / s.

For motorists, the E6 over Saltfjellet is temporarily closed. In Nordland, E10 Bjørnefjell, E12 Umbukta and Rv77 Graddis will be closed between 3pm Thursday and 6pm Friday due to the storm.

– Very dangerous

– The combination of strong winds and cold can lead to dangerous situations. Roads and bridges can be closed on short notice due to wind and rainfall. Do not expose yourself or others to unnecessary danger, Nordland police wrote. Twitter.

Nordland’s state administrator (former state administrator) asks people to secure loose items. The message also includes a clear encouragement to people to stay home unless it is absolutely necessary for them to go out.

– It’s very dangerous. Especially since it can blow loose objects through the air that can hit you. Among other things, I saw that it was a truck on E6 in Helgeland that had run off the road, says state meteorologist Samuelsen.

It takes aim at the truck that was blown away at Vefsn in Nordland at 9 o’clock on Thursday on E6, just north of Mosjøen. The driver was unharmed from the accident.

Injury reports

Insurance companies are prepared for many claims when Frank’s extreme weather has worn off. They have already started to arrive.

By Thursday afternoon, Gjensidige had received around ten cases related to extreme weather. The claims report applies to solid sums and will quickly run into the millions.

– One of the damages concerns a tool shed where much of the roof has been detached, says communications manager Pål Rune Eklo in Gjensidige. There is also a large roof that has blown up and hit other buildings.

On Wednesday, the company sent nearly 11,000 text messages to customers in affected areas to help prevent injuries.

Insurance company If also sent text messages to clients on Wednesday.


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