– We will win – VG


SAFE: Jon Ossoff is fighting for a Senate seat. Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

ATLANTA, GEORGIA (VG) Jon Ossoff (33) is a former journalist. He has attended elite schools and has never held political office. Now he tells VG that he will surely win a decisive seat for Democrats during the Senate elections in Georgia on January 5.


– We are confident, says the former VG journalist just before going on stage during one of the last electoral meetings he holds before Georgia goes to the polls.

President Donald Trump, incoming President Joe Biden, the American press and the American people; All these days’ eyes are on Georgia.

With its five million votes, the state will decide who gets the majority in the Senate.

ATTENDED: Several had made the trip to the electoral meeting. Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

Why is the Senate so important?

A majority in the Senate will be decisive for the impact Biden will have as president.

And it all comes down to what Georgia decides on January 5.

Explanation: That is why there are now Senate elections in Georgia.

They contribute what they can

Now huge sums of money are being injected into the election campaigns of both Democrats and Republicans.

It is impossible to turn on television in Georgia without a political announcement from both parties. On the radio, Barack Obama can be heard praising the two Democratic candidates, and along the highway that runs through the state is photo after photo of the four candidates.

There are two seats to fill.

Democrats need both.

Republicans only need one.

MORE URGENT: Ossoff has a tight schedule the last weekend before the election. Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

– Only Georgia can now change the course of our country, says Gail Suelmers (67) at the Ossoff election meeting that takes place less than half an hour outside of Atlanta, the hometown of Coca Cola.

She and others have come in the hope that she can help garner extremely important votes for Democrats.

When the election meeting is over, they will knock on doors and try to turn the Senate around, as the Democrats managed to turn the state around during the presidential election.

– Everyone I know has contributed what they can to help. My daughter is a teacher and doesn’t have much money, but she has given what she can.

EVERYONE CONTRIBUTES: Gail Suelmers has come to help knock on the doors of Georgia residents. Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

“Four years of hate and racism”

High up on the makeshift stage, Ossoff proposes to those present.

– We believe that health care is a human right, and the help you receive should not be determined by the size of your wallet, says the 33-year-old from the podium.

Ossoff, who has limited experience as an executive politician, has nevertheless been an advisor to a Democratic congressman, and in 2017 he ran for office when a House seat became vacant. It did surprisingly well, even if it didn’t hold up well.

ASKING FOR HELP: Ossoff asks for help from those present to secure the last votes. Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

– We can create tens of thousands of jobs, we can overcome the crisis package for families struggling during the pandemic. We can improve our school buildings, we can make Georgia the southern state that uses green energy.

Read also: Almost one in four Republican senators plans to vote against the electoral roll

– After four years of hatred, racism, division and struggle, Georgia will give a clear signal of love, consideration and unity. Because that’s what Georgia stands for.

“LOVE”: Amanda Krause is one of the artists who had made the trip from the capital. On the occasion of the election, she and several others have created creations with which they have traveled in the electoral meetings during the electoral campaign. Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

The result will not come immediately

More than three million have already voted in advance. And at 7:00 p.m. US time on January 5, polling stations will close.

It is, as it was during the presidential elections two months ago, that the result is expected to take time to be ready.

Why? Because Georgia, like many other states during presidential elections, counts votes by mail and in advance after the polls close.

Be video: VG at the Pennsylvania Electoral College. This is how votes are counted.

Since the US media announced Biden’s victory nearly two months ago, Trump has continued his tirades on Twitter about undocumented allegations of “a stolen election.”

also read: Supreme Court rejects Texas claims

POPULAR: Although Ossoff was wanted at the election meeting, he must still be able to muster tens of thousands of votes to secure the seat. Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

Also, four days before the crucial elections in Georgia, claimed that the Senate election is “unconstitutional.”

Despite these accusations, Trump is still expected to hold a major rally in Georgia next Monday.

It is about mobilizing voters to vote in the same electoral system that he himself says is “rigged.”

Read also: Biden has reached a magical limit: – The nail in Trump’s coffin

Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG


Democratic candidate Pastor Raphael Warnock, who has been the “first pastor” of the prestigious Ebenezer Baptist Church, the church that also includes civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. was pastor in, fighting for the seat of the current Republican senator. Kelly Loeffler.

Ossoff faces incumbent senators David Perdue.

Read also: Georgia Senate Election: Decisive Debate Dropped

THE BUS: Ossoff’s field bus runs to the next event. Photo: Thomas Nilsson / VG

In the first round, Ossoff got 48 percent of the vote between him and Perdue. The incumbent senator received 49.7 percent.

Behind the figures are almost 85,000 votes in favor of Perdue.

Still, Ossoff is oblique:

– We will win, he tells VG before getting on the bus that leads to the second electoral meeting today.

VG team in Georgia, USA: photographer Thomas Nilsson and reporter Camilla Svennæs ​​Bergland.
