We must act to save lives


According to The Guardian, authorities believe the country is now at a critical point in the pandemic, and on Monday afternoon it was announced that 30 percent of intensive care units in British hospitals are already being used by patients. with Covid-19.

Summary: big differences in the situation of the crown

On Monday, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson presented a proposal for a new system to deal with the coronavirus.

The proposal will be discussed in the National Assembly before it goes into effect.

BACKGROUND: This is how the British will gain control of the crown before Christmas.

Johnson began reporting on the new national measures in the House of Commons in London around 4.30pm Norwegian time.

– We will not return to another national “blockade”, says the British prime minister.

At the same time, it emphasizes that the health system is under pressure and that one should not get into a situation where there is a risk that the health services will succumb.

– We must act to save lives, he says.

Penalty system

There have been a number of leaks to the media beforehand about what Johnson would present in the House of Commons. Among other things, Sky News announced early Monday that authorities will launch a three-step system for future closures at the “medium”, “high” and “very high” levels.

In the House of Commons, Boris Johnson confirms that the authorities are introducing a three-stage system, where the “middle” level will cover much of England.

No more than six people can gather in these areas, and bars and restaurants must close at 10pm.

The “high” level means, among other things, that people should be prevented from socializing with people from other households indoors.

At the “very high” level, you will not be allowed to meet people from other households either indoors or in private patios. Bars and pubs will also be closed on this level, as long as they do not function as restaurants.

In his seat in the House of Commons, Johnson says it will be a difficult time for the country in the future.

– I have no doubt that we will achieve it together, continues.

Politician licked railings to get infected: – Massive hysteria

Expect more deaths

During a press conference on Monday afternoon, Professor Jonathan Van-Tam, England’s deputy health chief, warned that the number of deaths from corona was expected to rise in the future.

According to The Guardian, authorities expect more deaths in younger and older age groups as a result of the infection trend that has characterized the country since early September.

-We have baked in several hospital admissions, and sadly we have also baked in several deaths, he comments on his forecasts.

Northern England Success

There are now more corona patients in British hospitals than before the country’s shutdown in March.

On Sunday, 12,872 new cases of infection were reported in the UK, and 10,383 of these were in England.

The development is particularly worrying in the north of England, where more and more cases of infection are being reported in cities such as Liverpool, Manchester and Newcastle.

So far, more than 600,000 Britons have been diagnosed with the infection and, according to official statistics, there have been 58,000 deaths in which Covid-19 is mentioned on the death certificate.
