“We dance 2020” – Double exit


There has been great excitement associated with tonight’s broadcast of “Skal vi Danse.” Voice problems during last Saturday’s broadcast led to the profile of “Love Island” Nate Kahungu and his dance partner Helene Spilling even without leaving the dance floor.

Here it goes wrong, again

Here it goes wrong, again

All participants contributed spectator points and referee points from last Saturday to tonight’s broadcast.

Still, there were two dance partners who had to drop out of the competition. After a harrowing dance duel, it was finally Agnete, Bjørn, Siri, and Tarjei who had to put their dancing shoes on the shelf and go home on tonight’s broadcast.

SMOKE OUTSIDE: Siri Kristiansen smoked on Saturday’s broadcast. Photo: TV 2 / Espen Solli
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They got the fewest votes, and thus the dance adventure is over, and eight couples have turned into six. This is the first time in the history of “Shall we dance” that two couples have been sent on the same night.

OUTSIDE: The adventure of dance is also in front of Agnete Husebye and her dance partner Bjørn. Photo: TV 2 / Espen Solli
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It was Agnete and Bjørn, Siri and Tarjei and Michael and Ewa who had to go out to a dance duel. The last couple thus advanced in the competition.

Agnete Husebye, tearful, spoke to Dagbladet after the outing.

– It was expected. However, it is very sad. I’ll miss Bjørn, she said as she wiped away her tears.

UP AND OUT: Siri, Tarjei, Bjørn and Agnete became the two dance couples who had to go home. Photo: Espen Solli / TV 2
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The YouTuber and the seasoned dance couple have had some great chemistry and say they will stay in touch even though the “Shall we dance” adventure has come to an end.

Nor did Siri Kristiansen and her dance partner Tarjei hide that it was now difficult to leave the competition.

OUTSIDE: Siri Kristiansen is out of the dance. Reporter: Marcus Brenden. Video: TV 2
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– I think we did a good dance, but in general I do not think it is completely incomprehensible that you smoke now, said the radio profile to Dagbladet after the exit, adding:

– I don’t really see what other couples should have dated. It feels like it should be.

He also doesn’t hide the fact that he will miss Tarjei and the other people in the dance center.

YOU CAN ALSO BE WITH: Nate Kahungu and dance partner Helene Spilling must not leave “Skal vi danse”. Check out their reaction here!
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Celebrities chose

The theme of Saturday’s broadcast was “celebrity choices,” where the celebrities themselves have been able to decide both the dance and the music, without the dance partners being able to participate.

Naturally, it offered a number of highlights, airy, glitz, and glamor. Marte Bratberg (31) and his dance partner opened the magnificent show with a dance show for which they scored 33 points.

FIRST TO LEAVE: Mars Bratberg and his dance partner Benjamin were the first couple to take the stage on Saturday night. Photo: Espen Solli / TV 2
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The evening also offered other surprises. Among other things, the “Love Island” gang had made the trip to surprise Nate Kahungu, who should have been eliminated on the broadcast last Saturday.

40 POINTS: Nate Kahungu and Helene Spilling each had 40 points. Photo: Espen Solli / TV 2
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He and his dance partner Helene Spilling received a full pot, up to 40 points, for their strong dancing. When Dagbladet spoke to Kahungu after the dance, the profile for “Love Island” said that it was both stressful and charming to swing on the floor.

– Bringing out the message and the message that we had at our dance was incredibly wonderful. It also didn’t hurt with a full pot after a successful dance. We couldn’t have asked for anything more, he said proudly.

COMPLETE JAR: Andreas Wahl and his dance partner earned 40 points for their dance. Photo: TV 2 / Espen Solli
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This was the referee’s points on Saturday night:

1. Mars and Benjamin: 33 points – a total of 69 points

2. Birgit and Philip: 36 points – a total of 76 points

3. Thomas and Rikke: 26 points – a total of 52 points

4. Agnete and Bjørn: 22 points – a total of 50 points

5. Nate and Helene: 40 points – a total of 68 points

6. Siri and Tarjei: 32 points – a total of 60 points

7. Michael and Ewa: 32 points – a total of 57 points

Andreas and May: 40 points – a total of 73 points
